3 Takeaways From My Trip To Mexico
Joanna Vargas
I help female entrepreneurs SCALE their business with MARKETING and MINDSET. Host of The Get Up Girl Podcast.
Have you ever gone away on a trip, gotten home, and felt like something was off? Like you’re just not quite your same old self?
This recently happened to me, and boy did I learn a lot from it.
So the other week, I went to Mexico for my sister’s 40thbirthday. It was 9 of her friends and me. I gotta say, I had the best time ever! It truly was an epic trip! Although I didn’t really know my sister’s friends, I decided, “you know what? I’m just going to show up, be the sister, and have fun.” And I did! I had so much fun on this trip.
It was one of those trips where you just completely escape into another world. You know what I mean, right? Like you’re just having the time of your life, totally livin’ it up.
I came home and I did not feel right. I felt so off. I felt anxious, I didn’t want to be home. And all I could think about was wanting to be back on vacation.
Real talk. How many of you have also felt like this? You get home and you’re like, “OMG I hate my life! I just wanna go back on vacation! I wanna move there!”
Well, this is exactly how I felt. I realized that I need my environment to control how I feel. Except, I don’t want it to be like that. I want to be able to have fun anywhere I am. Not just when I’m on vacation.
When I figured this out, it was like a lightbulb went off in my head. Like Aha, Joanna, listen up! It made me realize I actually learned a lot about myself on this trip. Three main things specifically, which I am going to break down for you now:
Number 1: Can I feel like I’m on vacation when I’m at home?
I don’t need to be on vacation to have fun. I can have fun anywhere, even when I’m at home and working. I went to see my doctor who practices eastern medicine, and she asked me something that blew my mind. She said, “Joanna, can you still play and have fun here in California?”
I was like, dang girl, heck yes I can have fun here! And it’s true. We don’t, and shouldn’t feel we can only have fun if we’re on vacation, or on a day off, or on an outing somewhere. How boring would life be if we can only have fun in certain situations? I don’t know about you, but I am so not about that kind of life!
Number 2: How can I play bigger?
Mexico made me realize that I was playing small. I was letting myself get too comfortable, staying too much in my little bubble. I learned I can 10x everything I’m doing. If I want to change my life, I have to do things bigger. Gotta get out of that comfort zone. Sometimes we get comfortable playing it safe. So let’s get brave. Let’s play bigger and see what happens.
Number 3: How can I create more state changes in my life?
Every so often, you need a state change. Something that wakes your mind up. You know when you’re working on something for a long time, and you think, “No! I can’t stop now, I’m on a roll!” Well, girl, you need a dang break! You need a state change, and here’s why:
When you move your environment and then come back, you’ll actually have MORE momentum. You’ll receive different awareness’s from having that state change. You’ll be able to see things in a new light.
For me, Mexico was like a slap in the face. My wakeup call. I needed a change in my routine. A change in my state, for me to be like hey Joanna, what are you doing? It’s time to think differently, girl.
So if you’re going on vacation this spring, this summer, notice how you feel. Can you still be that same person when you’re not on vacation?
I heard a quote from Madonna where she said: “happiness for me, is not waiting for the weekend, it’s not waiting for vacation.”
Don’t live your life waiting for the weekend, waiting for that vacation. Life can feel like a vacation, even when you’re not on one. You can have fun now. You just gotta choose to.
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