3 Subtle Steps (for new teachers) to Action before registration to create calm
Andy Watkins
??Seeking sponsorship and connections to help benefit our amazing children ?? 23 years in education, 4th Headship ? Passion for sport and exercise
You may have a new class this term. You will be nervous, excited, worried etc...this is very normal. After 22 years, I still get these feelings.
So, try these steps to create calm and order...
Make the learning task easy. You don't want children coming up to you and asking for help before the register.
With the class (hopefully) settled, you can move on to step 2...
2. Give the class a time-frame for when you will need them to be quiet
'O.K class (this might be said over slight noise initially), in 10 seconds I would like silence for the register.'
Don't just go straight into 3-2-1 or a stop signal. Pre-warn the children.
3. Use a '3-2-1' countdown with specific requirement for each number
'...and.... 3 - pencils down.... 2 - eyes on me..... and 1 - everyone ready..'
Or say anything you wish for the numbered orders. Praise the first few children who do this by using their names.
You will then be in a position to start calling the register.
Feel I need to quickly add 'Subtle step 4'...Give the class an expectation of noise level before starting the register.
Good luck new teaching team. You can and will make the positive difference our children need.