3 steps to SWARM Organisation
Most people are quite familiar with traditional organisation structures, right? But self-organising collectives are something different and most of us have never seen anything like it. Now let’s say you’d like to use this innovation to build a future proof organisation, what steps would you have to take to create the transformation?
The necessity for adaptation is always driven by some event or force. Simply said: “any action evokes a reaction”. Some of you will recognise this famous physics law of Sir. Isaac Newton. And remarkably it seems to be universal for anything in our world and apply not only physical things, but also to organisations. Such force or event may come in the form of technology, policies, demographics or ecology, yet they all have one thing in common: They induce?change.?And in today’s world these changes are gigantic and require extreme adaptive capacity.?
Step 1: Embrace the principles of self-organising systems.? It is undeniable. The whole of nature, in fact the whole universe, is an extremely adaptive self-organising system. And we can see proof of that?everywhere?we look. If we want to create highly adaptive organisations, what better (and easier) way than to simply learn from natural Swarms and embrace its 6 principles of self-organisation. Thus, step 1 is to acknowledge that nature has a better answer to organising complexity and large collectives.
Step 2: Implement a structure that facilitates self-organisation. Applying a self-organising mindset in a hierarchically structured organisation, will not deliver the optimum result. Evidently! Once an organisation develops an adaptive mindset, its structure eventually will have to facilitate that transformation. Such structures are perceived to be set up as role based, purpose driven spheres, where people participate based on motivation, skill and autonomous choice. Digital AI technology will help us with this quest. Currently there are several tools available and there are many new – much more powerful – systems on the way.?
Step 3: Develop a mindset that facilitates adaptive behaviour. But before we do any of this we need to address two challenges. 1st People feel they are not exactly comparable to animals, and 2nd people have used hierarchic organisations for more than 6000 years. This means that in order to use self-organisation, we will have to overcome centuries of limiting believes and cultural habits. This is why the SWARM Solution was designed to combine the principles of both human and natural organisations. It explains the essential items, helps to unlearn the old narrative and develops the new thinking and behaviour.
SWARM Organisation is an innovative solution for addressing the organisation challenges of accelerating change in our society. It is a promising and achievable alternative to our outdated hierarchal organisation structures.?
Evert Bleijenberg MBA, SWARM Organisation
If you like to read more, go to?https://www.swarm-organisation.com/buy-the-book?and order the book