3 steps to Setting Goals and being happy in the process | Get unstuck today! : Podcast episode is out!
Neeti Nigam Keswani
I’m Neeti Keswani, Ed Tech Entrepreneur, coach, and host of leading podcast, Luxury Unplugged. With a mission to inspire and educate, we garner over 100k monthly views++sharing knowledge that uplifts and empowers.
Here's the latest episode?3 steps to Setting Goals and being happy in the process | Get unstuck today!
Published on September 13, 2022
When facing any challenge, it is important to attack it with all our might. Focusing all our efforts on this challenge is the way to victory. The basic strategy in any struggle is to tackle it with all-out effort.
Let’s also advance with the determination to actively take on all challenges and experience the joy of achieving one exhilarating victory after another.
(June 2, 2017, World Tribune, p. 3)
It’s a lot of hard work, but our happiness is worth the effort.
Feeling stuck? Try these 3 techniques to get unstuck: on Luxury Unplugged Podcast
This podcast is about?
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So stay tuned, Have fun listening and post your reviews :)
Until next week,
Neeti N Keswaani