3 Steps Process to prepare for uncertain 2021
Nataliya Becker
Executive Coach | Team Facilitator | Speaker | Leadership Development Expert ?? | Ex- Product Leader & Data Scientist ??
2020 is almost over, and you are tempted to start thinking about your 2021 resolutions and goals, or you are ruminating and frustrated about 2020 and totally discouraged to ever plan again. PLEASE DO NOT. Both are counterproductive.
What you need is the proven simple 3 step process that allows you to navigate to your success in 2021, even if it is uncertain & crazy. It is intuitive, simple, and effective. Just pick up your notebook and a pen, or open Notes or a Doc on your computer or the phone, disconnect from outside and start.
1- Reflect (Lessons, Wins & Gratitude)
Reflection allows you to locate yourself so that you can move forward with grace, love, and wisdom. It allows to dot the i’s, ‘finish’ some thoughts and leave things behind while boiling growth mindset and resilience. It is NOT rumination, blaming, or analysis paralysis. It’s like a “Find Me” button when you open GPS that you click before setting the next destination.
2- Your Vision & Roadmap
Vision sets the direction, connects to your why and your motivation. It is holistic ( aka all part of your life!), fluid, descriptive, nonstructured, and has emotions and images. This is what allows you to see what is truly important to you and to navigate when circumstances come up or your goals can not be met. I have a template if you would like to follow one that I created for a conference here. You can also read more about vision here
3- Goals
Goals are chunks toward your vision. They are concrete, measurable steps. You set them based on what you know now. I suggest planning quarterly. It long enough to make a difference, short enough to adjust to new information.
I will be sharing more on each one in the next few days. December and January, especially with slower holidays in 2020- 2021 are the perfect times to reflect and ponder, and most importantly, to learn and appreciate.
Are you with me?