3 Steps to master the art of fulfillment

3 Steps to master the art of fulfillment

One of the key characteristics of a great life is that it is fulfilling, that it has meaning. A life of insignificant tasks, strained relationships and devoid riches is an empty and unfulfilling life. This is the life that feels life something is missing, or something is wrong. That’s because it’s true. We are meant to have fabulous lives, to figure out how to and to create fabulous lives…  

A great life includes experiencing happiness in growth, being always evolving, and progressing. A stagnant life with the same old is a boring and not thriving life. There is a saying, If we are not growing, we are dying… 

On the other hand, a life of pursuing and achieving in and of itself is exhausting and just as bereft of sparkle… 

The key here is to go for a life of Happily Achieving… Meaning that we are in the pursuit of always improving, while being perfectly content with what is and not losing the forest for the tree. That our pursuit is in Alignment with our purpose and larger vision. That our Why is what gives it radiance and meaning… 

But what happens if you are totally struggling in your relationship and your life, and this concept feels like a pie in the sky

Step1- Get grounded and optimized: First things first, you have to get out of the rut. This usually has to do with poor brain and mental health… Your embodied-brain (brain structure, neurons firing-wiring, and overall nervous system) can literally be glitching out because of your personal history and its impact on your development and because of your daily habits (sleeping, eating, hydrating, exercising, managing stress, using substances). 

The key here is to reclaim your brain and mental health via professional support- we are here for you!, personal development work and a rich self-care practice

Step2- Take full ownership of your life: Secondly, address the biggest obstacle in your life right now. What is giving you the most angst and holding you back from your best relationship and your best life. 

There is one caveat here- you can’t blame your partner… That’s right, you have full responsibility for creating your best relationship and your best life… 

  1. It is up to you to clean up your relationship mindset, set effective boundaries, own yourself and empower yourself. 
  2. It is up to you to communicate cleanly and clearly, to properly address concerns and needs, to apologize for your side of things and for when you make a booboo, and to make amends. 
  3. It is up to you to change your patterns, meet your needs, and increase your resilience.  
  4. It is up to you to be connected (with yourself, your partner, and others), to have fun, and to sparkle. 
  5. It is up to you to make your life work, to change what doesn’t, and to go for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

When we take full responsibility for our life and show up to it with gusto in all areas, others, including our partner, and the Universe respond accordingly… 

If you are having a strong reaction to this concept, because you have good reasons for why things are as they are, please- just take a deep breath. I have heard, seen and been part of many a story of people’s lives, including my own obviously. And I can tell you that the people that make the most progress, are the happiest, and have the most fulfilling lives are the ones that take full responsibility for their own experience… 

The more they stop talking about what their partner is doing or not doing, and the more they focus on their side of things the better their life gets… 

Now, I’m not implying you don’t have a partner, you don’t have expectations nor have collaboration with your partner, or that you don’t have an epic love affair with your partner. No, you can have it all and you can by who you are (become) and how you go about things… 

It’s actually that simple… Not necessarily easy if you are still tripping all over yourself, but with one step at a time you can. I promise. 

Step3- Embrace fulfillment: And thirdly, choose to have it all. Make a decision to go for it, no more excuses or procrastination. This is where your Purpose and Vision serve as your North Star to take your life to the next level. The earlier you activate this the easier the whole process is, but as we already established it might be challenging to connect with these if you are really struggling. It’s up to you how early you can access this and benefit from doing so… 

Once you activate your Purpose and Vision then life becomes about Aligning with these, Flowing from these, and Striving for these. 

When you live this life, you have mastered the Art of Fulfillment and you get to live your best life… 

When you have meaningful direction in your life, you live an engaged life- a life of happiness and fulfillment… complete the Assignment ON THE BLOG!

Download the Find Your Purpose Guide and Create a Great Life of Fulfillment and Happiness.



