3 Steps To Make A Subject Interesting For Your Child

3 Steps To Make A Subject Interesting For Your Child

School days are some of the best days of our lives. We love everything about schools except rules. From playing our favourite sports to extracurricular activities, school is a joy ride, especially when we do everything with our friends. But what about our studies? 

It is a general understanding that if we like a particular teacher, we end up liking that subject as well as the subjects that we’re good at. A good teacher makes a subject not only interesting but fun! 

But what do we do about the subjects that we dislike or find difficult? Why is it that we like a particular subject and dislike another, for example, some students really like maths as it’s easy for them to follow the logic.

On the other hand, some students absolutely loathe it, as they struggle with the most basic of calculations. Similarly, some people prefer history over science and some prefer English over Biology.

Our interests guide us towards specific career choices, on the basis of the belief that it is well within our capabilities to excel in a specific area, or we are simply good in those subjects. 

Let’s take two steps back. If I am a kid who finds Maths difficult but loves architecture and design and want to pursue a degree in it, what do I do? How do I study for the subjects that I’m not very good at? 

Solution? Make A Subject Interesting For Your Child!

But, question is how to make A Subject Interesting For Your Child?

Following are the 3 Steps To Make A Subject Interesting For Your Child:

  • Identifying the difficulty: The first step is to identify the areas or subjects that a child struggles with, or needs help in. For example, if a child dislikes Maths, is it because he doesn’t find it interesting, or is it because he doesn’t understand it?
  • Administer a multiple intelligence test to evaluate overall potentials and weaknesses of your child. Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is an easy way of knowing the inborn potentials of a child.
  • It is a scientific brain-mapping technique that analyses different functions & areas of the brain of an individual and its associated potentials.

Identifying the Difficulty

  • Counselling: After identifying the weaknesses of the child, it’s important to counsel the parents on the same, and encourage and appreciate the child for his/her strengths.
  • Through DMIT and counselling, parents not only become aware of their child’s shortcoming but also learn how to best improve them.
  • From learning styles to different abilities like logical and language ability, spatial & creativity, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, parents can better focus on the overall development of their child.


  • Implementation: During the counselling process, parents are recommended certain activities that would not only improve their child’s weaknesses but also further enhance their strengths.
  • Example, if a parent states that their child has difficulty concentrating and after DMIT it is found that their child has an excellent Gross Motor Function and Auditory and language comprehension.
  • In such situations, parents are advised to let their child play for some time so that the child get rid of the extra energy, just enough to not be agitated while doing homework, but not so much that the child falls asleep.
  • Also, children with high auditory function are easily distracted by sounds because they have a strong auditory function (the ability to differentiate between tone, pitch, sounds & rhythms, and its appreciation). Therefore, it is pertinent to provide a calm and quiet environment for such a child to be able to study.

Instead of disliking and ignoring a particular subject, why not work on it through innovative ways? If your child experiences difficulty in using logic, give him/her puzzles to solve, teach them chessSu-do-ku etc and other similar activities, which will not only keep your child entertained but will improve the targeted ability as well. 

The most crucial aspect of growth is being aware of your strengths and weaknesses and thereby allocating time and efforts to the areas that need the most attention. In this fast-paced world, it is not enough to just be talented.

"Talent and hard work go hand-in-hand. Continuous fine-tuning and further enhancement of skills is important for a successful career, and simultaneous work on our weakness is essential to growth."


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