3 Steps to Make 2022 an Amazing Year
Andy Neary
We help insurance industry professionals get more leads and win more sales in less time.
We all have a lot to be grateful for despite the challenges we have faced for the last few years. I'm grateful that you watch these coaching videos every week. But I also hope that you're taking the time right now, to sit down and start thinking about how you're going to make 2022 the best year you've ever had.
Now if you are in sales, you're producing, you've got to grow a book of business. I want you to think about three things as you plan your 2022.
The goal is to get more clients, right? That's the obvious goal. We want to grow our clients, our revenue, our book of business, but to do that, there are three things we have to do very well and you have to think about how you are going to implement this into your strategy next year.
Number one: ATTRACT
You have got to attract the right prospects. I don't care what strategies you're using, whether it is cold calling emails, LinkedIn public speaking webinars, you name it. What are you doing to attract the right prospects in your world? You have to have a system now to attract the right prospects.
Number two: NURTURE
Just because someone's attracted to you, doesn't mean the prospect's ready to buy. One of the biggest gaps I see with brokers right now, the biggest struggles they have and where they feel they're not getting engagement with their prospects is when they get a prospect on the phone.
The prospect shows interest but says you know what, "not right now call us back in six months". At that moment, that broker does nothing from the day they had that conversation to the six month period. So when they call the prospect back, the prospect doesn't remember them.
That call is just as cold as it was the first time you called. You have got to do something to nurture these prospects, keep them interested, even though they're not ready to buy right now if you nurture them enough, when they're ready. They're gonna buy from you.
In 2015 I started sharing my monthly newsletter. Now at that time, it was nothing more than an email that went out to a bunch of prospects. I attached a monthly PDF and every PDF had one strategy I wanted to share with them. Yeah, some may say "I gave away the farm", I shared a lot and I took the risk that my prospects could take my information and give it to their broker to see if he or she could implement it as well.
But here's what happened in one year sharing a PDF of some strategies that I wanted to talk about. I wrote $180,000 In business, just on the newsletter alone because those prospects that I sent it to every month started reaching out to me, they realized that I was bringing more value to them than their their current broker had in over two or three years.
So the "nurturing" your prospects is just as important as "attracting" them.
What is your nurturing system you're going to implement next year? It might be something as simple as a newsletter. What are you going to do to nurture your prospects so that when the day comes and they're ready to buy you are the only person they're thinking about.
The third thing is converting them, selling them. You have got to have a system that is going to put you in the best position to convert them.
What's your process? I challenge you to break down your process into three steps.
1- What are your differentiators?
2- What do you do that is completely different from your competition?
3- What do you do that takes a prospect who is currently unhappy and makes them a thriving client?
That is the system I'm talking about when it comes to converting your prospects. Too many brokers are stuck recreating the wheel with every single prospecting opportunity they have and that's why they're coming in second place all the time.
So as you sit down and you do your 2022 planning, I want you to think about these three things:
What are you going to do this next year to share your message far and wide to attract the right prospects?
What are you going to do to nurture them to continue bringing them value? So hiring you becomes a no brainer.
What's your system for converting them when you get the chance to win the business? What's your system that you walk your prospects through?
Creating a system puts you in the best position to win every single time. I promise 2022 is going to be one of the best years you've ever had.
I invite you to join the broker branding Academy it starts January 18. We're limiting it to 20 advisors 20 and vendor partners. It's first come first serve.
It just takes $500 right now to lock in your seat. If you want to jump on a call to learn more. I'm happy to do that as well. But this is the key to next year. If you want to build a brand your prospects love, build systems to attract them, nurture them and then convert them and I promise 2022 is going to be freakin amazing! Go make it happen. Book a discovery call now:?Discovery Call - Andy Neary