3-Steps To Grow Your Business
Adam Erhart
"The Marketing Guy" 450K+ on YouTube Helping You Grow Your Business With Proven & Profitable Marketing Strategies | Get started here FREE -> grow.adamerhart.com/start
So… you want to grow your business.
Or maybe you’re happy with where you are but you’d like a little more consistency in leads, customers, and sales.
Or maybe that’s cool too… but you certainly wouldn’t argue with a boost in revenue.
Well my friend… then I have the answer ye seek
(and I promise no more “old English” terms for the rest of the post)
You see when it comes to achieving any of the above (or anything else you want in business)… there are 3 main ways to do it.
Do any 1 of them and achieve positive results.
Do 2 and achieve greatness.
Do 3 and be un-freaking-stoppable.
Here are the steps to follow.
#1 Do more of what you know is working.
This one’s easy. But so often overlooked.
Effective strategies getting tossed aside simply to pursue the next shiny object.
(Yup… those old Google Ads still work… in fact they work better than ever…)
#2 Do less of what you know isn’t working.
Still trying to “build a brand” by doing endless podcasts, videos, blogging, or other forms of content marketing?
Yes. Content marketing is good (I can attribute an extra 6-figures to both my podcast and my YouTube channel)
But not nearly as good as a proven Lead Gen Strategy (to which I can attribute a whole heckuva lot more)
I’ve never met a business that died because of a lack of content.
But I see businesses every day struggling because they don’t have enough leads.
#3 Try new things you’ve never done before and see whether they work or not.
Where is the best place online to get leads for your business?
Is it Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Instagram Ads, or YouTube Ads?
The correct answer (in most cases) is all 4.
BUT… 1 (or 2) channels are going to dramatically outshine the others. (which conveniently leads us back to points #1 and #2)
And the only way to know for sure is to try.
Try. Try. And try some more.
Keep the winners.
Ditch the losers.
And achieve all your goals.
It can be that simple.
At least…
it should be that simple…
Which is why I’ve created a program to help businesses generate more leads, customers, and sales using only the most effective and proven lead gen strategies… (important to note… it’s a 1-on-1 marketing mentorship program, not an online course ;)
If that’s something you may benefit from - send me a message.