3 Steps to a Data-Driven DX Strategy

3 Steps to a Data-Driven DX Strategy

Customer experience and digital marketing teams are often left overwhelmed with how to strategically approach the vast landscape of online platforms, channels, and tools. But by relying on proven business fundamentals and a few key insights, developing a strong digital experience strategy can be if not simple, at least simplified. Here are the first three steps every business should take:

?? Harness the Power of Metrics

  • Determine your organization's overarching goals and the projects that align against those goals.
  • Use Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that reflect the intersection of project + goal.
  • Track performance and identify areas needing improvement, especially from a digital perspective. If you don't have benchmarks from your own data history, use industry benchmarks.

?? Dive Deep into Audience Understanding

  • Employ both quantitative and qualitative methods. Interviews can be transformative in understanding your audience.
  • Utilize surveys, feedback tools, and third-party research.
  • Build an understanding of digital customer journeys and pinpoint high-value customer segments.

??? Conduct a Comprehensive Landscape Analysis

  • Get clear about your business's position within the industry.
  • Identify industry gaps, strengths, weaknesses, and unique differentiators.
  • Employ research tools like Resonate and Similarweb to stay updated on industry and economic changes.

Navigating the digital realm requires more than just guesswork. By tracking metrics, understanding your audience, and knowing the broader landscape, you're laying a robust foundation for your strategy.



