3 Steps to Build Your Dream Business and Stop Wasting?Time
Brett Anderson
I’m an energetic and tenacious writer, entrepreneur, part-time online creator, and founder of 7x7 Consulting.
Today is the day. Today is the day you begin your new journey in life. Today is the day you establish your one-man or one-woman business. So you don’t know this but I have been writing about marketing for many years and I have been obsessed with building my own marketing agency. When I say that I have been obsessed, I mean that I have been obsessed with building the agency itself. I’ve been thinking about it every day for the past several years. I have focused on choosing the perfect agency name, establishing the perfect website, and working on perfecting my marketing skills. But guess what I’ve come to realize? I’ve been wasting my time! Every second that I’ve invested in pursuit of my agency has been a complete waste of time!
The #1 Waste of Your Time?—?Focusing on Tasks and other Unprofitable Actions
First of all I want to point out that there is nothing wrong with trying to come up with a great business name. There’s also nothing wrong with trying to create a great looking website or improving your marketing skills. Those are all great things! The problem is when you’re setting out to build your own one-man business like I am, those things function more as distractions or limitations. They honestyl don’t do much to help me build my dream business. Why? Because each of those items limit how far you can go… or rather, those things limit how fast you can go.
When you focus on the items (or tasks) I’ve listed above, you limit yourself to your own skills or the skills of the person who is building them on your behalf. So you don’t need to try to come up with the perfect name for your business. You don’t have to try to create the perfect website or businees card. If you are like me and you’ve been spending lots of time worrying about unprofitable actions… STOP! It’s time to stop operating in the outdated online business models and start operating inside the new online business model. I’ll explain.
The Old Business Model: Old School Web 2.0
I can sum up the old way of doing business in one word: websites. There was a time not too long ago when the average person went online and sought out a business to make their purchases. That way of conducting business is not dead but it is definitely an outdated model. Think about it. How does the average person conduct business these days? How do they discover new businesses? How do they make a large percentage of their purchases? Do they go to a website? No, they go to a platform. They go through Social media. They’re not seeking out your website first. In fact, initially they’re not looking for you at all. You have to go where they are and get their attention.
The average customer spends a lot of time on social media. A lot of time.
The NewBusiness Model: Social Media is King
I can sum up the new way of doing business in one word… attention. Most Americans are looking to be entertained and sold to on a daily basis… on an hourly basis. They want to be entertained. In other words they are seeking to give you their attention. Therefore if you want to build any online business you need to get their attention. You need to generate attention for you and your offer (a product, service, or freebie)?.
Remember the average person is hungry for social media. They eat it up. On an average day they consume hours of videos, posts, and ads…. and they have an insatiable appetite for more. The 99% is being spoonfed on a daily basis and they are hungry for more. You see, 1% is creating all the media for the 99%… and the 99% is hungry to give more attention to the 1%.
The items you have to figure out to start your new business model are simple. Don’t misread that. I’m not saying the new way of doing business is simple… what I’m saying is there are 3 simple things you can do to get started. These 3 things will help you focus your energy on the profitable actions and help you avoid wasting your time and efforts on outdated or unprofitable actions.
Step 1- Figure out your business name. This is the easy part! Enter your name here ____________________. That’s it. Now you have your business name. No more wasting your time trying to figure out a catchy name. You are you, and you are unique. People want to know the people behind the business or product… so you don’t need a catchy business name. Be you.
Step 2- Figure out your offer. What is it you are selling? Is it a product or a service? ____________________. If you want the chance to build a 6 figure business choose a product. If you want the chance to build a 7 figure business choose a service.
Step 3- Figure out how you’re going to get attention for you and your offer. This is by far the most difficut part but it’s not that complicated. What it takes is a good plan and a “never quit” mentality…. and a strong work ethic. Make your best plan, get moving, and never stop moving. You’ll have to make adjustments along your journey but they key is to build and maintain momentum. Remember, success likes speed.
Congratulations! You are now equipped to create your best business plan ever… and you could be on the verge of something great! If you have any questions about anything I wrote, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m a real person and I answer any and all questions. Good luck!