?? 3 Steps to Achieving a Breakthrough
Bree Dellerson
Helping LightWorkers, Healers and Conscious Change-Makers Transform Their Pain To Fully Embody Their Higher Purpose | Acupuncturist, Sound Healer, Clairvoyant | Harmonizing the Nature of Oneself | Dog Mom
Hello Dear Luminous One!
Breakthroughs come when you least expect it...
Like a dam that's been leaking and then all of a sudden a deluge of water rushes in.
This happened to me last week while on a sunset walk with my kids.
Out of nowhere I hear...
Drop the drama.
Drop the drama.
I realized that I had been holding myself locked into a story creating pain and suffering.
It was me doing it.
In that moment I could clearly see my mind conjuring up the scenario, the perspective, the perception - it was creating it!
When I dropped the drama my vision immediately took flight above it all.
I felt taller.
The drama was at ground level and my new, elevated perception was high in the sky soaring like an eagle.
This was the freedom I'd been seeking!
It was if my heart became unbound and unshackled.
Then, a thought appeared...
"What if I can't maintain it?"
Drop the drama!
Clearly another story.
I was quickly catching on to my scheming mind keeping me entangled in this pain and suffering.
The irony is in her efforts to protect me, she was causing me pain.
Then I began to scan other areas of my life and noticed other places where I could drop the drama, each time becoming lighter.
It's so much easier than you think!
? Imagine playing tug of war with the uncomfortable feeling... feel the tension in your body... and now drop the rope! Do it again, and again until there's no rope left.
This reminds me of this hilarious skit with Bob Newhart. Thanks to my dear friend, Michaela Haufe , for sending this to me a couple of years ago!
The truth is simple and sometimes comical... my favorite combo!
I asked myself what the determining factor was that warranted this dramatic shift in my awareness.
It's quite simple and applicable to any situation.
3 Steps to Achieving a Breakthrough:
The tipping point for me was the daily practice.
I have experienced more breakthroughs in my life since I started spending time each day connecting and clearing, and I have been blessed to witness this in my clients' lives as well.
?? Let's celebrate their recent transformations:
If you are ready to experience a breakthrough there are a couple of ways I can support you.
I find that having the sacred container of a session series gives you the time and space to get there.
Typically it's after the 5th session where the dam begins to break, although you will notice cracks (shifts) from day one.
Of course, with that being said, I cannot say how long it will take you. I'm sharing with you the patterns I've noticed with my clients over 20+ years.
It's taken me almost 18 months to get to the feeling I've been wanting to have, and I attribute the accelerated changes to having a clear, aligned goal and my daily practice.
? The second way is in a group setting.
Most people try to create from a mental perspective, rather than align with the Highest Vision for themselves. This creates confusion out of the gate, along with the subconscious patterns that keep you stuck.
I will be offering a new cohort beginning sometime in late summer over 6-8 weeks, where I will guide you From Intention to Integration.
Space is limited to 6 beautiful souls.
If you are interested and want to learn more, DM me to get on the waitlist.
Your body is perfectly designed for these times. It offers you immense power and unique gifts. It is guided by the Heart and emanates from the All That Is. You are here to enjoy your body and live a joyful, fulfilling, healthy and purposeful life.
Blessings, Bree
? I pulled a card for you...
I recognize the Divine Self in each and everyone. I let go of all judgement. I am receptive to the highest and best in all. I love and acknowledge everyone as the expression of the Divine Will on earth.
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