The 3 Stages of Self-Development in Business
Image credit: QuotesGram
If there’s one thing above all else I believe is the main success factor for the Disruptive Entrepreneur, it’s self-awareness.
Your enterprise is a reflection & an extension of you, & will only grow at the speed you grow. There are 3 stages in the mastery of business through the mastery of yourself:
1. Self Awareness
2. Self Education
3. Self Mastery
1. Self Awareness: How aware are you of your strengths & weaknesses? Do you over or under play them? How aware are you of how others perceive you? How others see your strengths & weaknesses? Your energy highs & lows? Your values & what you accept & will not stand for? What you love to do & what you want to leverage out? The mistakes you make over & over…? This is a continual journey but the more you know yourself the more you can grow your business
2. Self Education: How much are you investing in yourself? Are you outsourcing your weaknesses & getting out of the way of those better & more suited to those tasks than you? Are you surrounding yourself with the right team to balance your personality traits? Are you challenging yourself or is your ego surrounding you with those who will only say yes? Do you have mentors who are at a higher level than you? Do you read & listen to audio daily, do relevant training courses & constantly fill your brain with the food it needs to grow your business?
3. Self Mastery: Do you plan your day around your energy levels? Do you game & second guess yourself so you know how you will behave before you do? Do you challenge yourself regularly to grow? Do you constantly work on yourself or only when you have big challenges? Do you take feedback graciously & look to learn from everyone? Do you leverage & delegate to your team, inspire them with a vision & support them in growing too; serving them & others as much as yourself?
Whilst never complete, if you go & grow through these stages, you will have a sustainable, consistently growing & future-proofed business.
Happy to answer any Qs & do you have any to add?
Rob Moore
Co-Founder, Progressive Property
Property speech world record holder (motor mouth)
7 Times Best Selling Property Author
Proud Dad, average Golfer & slightly better Pilot
Author of Life Leverage & “The Disruptive Entrepreneur” Podcast