3 Social Selling Tips
Mark Hunter
Sales kickoff speaker helping you turn prospects into profits, it all starts with prospecting with integrity.
It’s time to have that awkward conversation.
How do you use social media to sell?
In two of my books, A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting, I really talk down on social selling.
I talk down on it because social media can become a time vacuum for too many people. However, social media does work to help you sell if you apply the right guidelines and bumpers.
Here are just 3 of my tried and tested tips for social selling that you can work into your daily routine. For all 10 of my tips, keep scrolling.
1. Nurture the Connection
Nurturing the connection is how you demonstrate respect.
I will connect with somebody, but I do not pitch nor sell to them right away.
I want to nurture the connection and understand more about each other. I want to have some dialogue and then, if the door opens up, that is when you can turn it into a selling opportunity.
2. Off-line Conversation
This is money. My whole goal is to take the online connection and create the off-line conversation.
Convert the online connection into an off-line one.
I nurture the relationship first and say, “Hey, let’s grab 15 minutes to talk on the phone. I would love to understand your business a bit more.”
With this approach, I rarely get turned down. It is amazing how this creates massive opportunities.
3. Provide Solutions and Ideas
What you have to do is be seen as a leader in your industry and in the marketplace.
To do so, you need to be providing solutions.
Providing solutions is not synonymous with talking down to other people.
It simply means you are putting ideas and information out there you find relevant. You want to be seen as someone who contributes.
Why do I do these and more? Tap here for all 10 of my in-depth tips on social selling and what you need to be doing on social media right now.
Be sure to subscribe to my blog and YouTube channel; I put out a new sales tip every Wednesday.
Great selling.