3 Simple Tips for Managing Your Energy
Lori Hanson
Mindset & Leadership Speaker | Business Consultant, Executive Performance Coach. Coaching INDIVIDUALS to lead with clarity & confidence; Guiding ORGANIZATIONS to lead teams to healthy high-performance cultures
Does it feel like your life continues to speed up you struggle with managing your energy?
Like there can’t possibly be enough hours in the day to handle the career, the kids, the spouse or partner, the pets…and doing something for yourself? Yeah right!
That often gets kicked to the curb and bounces to the bottom of the list if you’re not in the habit of scheduling it and giving yourself “permission” to put yourself at the top of the list.
In physics, energy is defined as, “the capacity for doing work.”
Yet, working harder, more hours, pushing, stressing, taking on more is?not?the way to achieve more, to enjoy more, or to live a better quality of life.
As a human being you have 4 types of energy:
1 –?PHYSICAL?– fueled by your health, which is fueled by nutritional health
2 –?EMOTIONAL?– your emotional state which you can choose daily (Joy, Gratitude, Love, Anger, Frustration, Fear)
3 –?MENTAL?– your capacity to focus, to be in THIS moment, to clear your mind, to sleep
4 –?SPIRITUAL?– your connection to your greater purpose in this life
To deal with stress, stay healthy and find joy, passion and happiness in your life—yes I said happiness—is a choice that connects back to managing your energy.
You cannot drive around all day for miles on 1 gallon of gas and complete all your errands!
(Although when my little sister was ~4 years old, and I was driving, the fuel light came on and she said, “It’s okay, mom can drive a whole day with that light on.” That’s a classic at our house! Mind you I’m 14 years older, so I could see over the steering wheel to drive.)
3 Simple Tips for Managing your Energy
Start your day by putting high-performance fuel in your tank.
Your automobile needs gas (or a charged battery) to run.
You will perform at your best by putting high-performance fuel in the tank:
– Hot water with fresh lemon first thing will make your colon happy and aid in digestion.
– Break your Fast with whole, healthy nutrients (not fast food, frozen, boxed or canned).
Fresh fruit, lean meats, a fresh green smoothie are great options.
Avoid foods that feel heavy in your gut (covered in sauces, cheeses and saturated fats).
Move! Get up out of your chair if you’re staring at a computer screen all day.
Check in – how are you feeling?
…..Are you in good spirits? Are you angry, irritated or pissed off?
What have you been focused on?
You have a choice what you focus on and what emotional state you’re in throughout the day. It’s true!
Haven’t heard the actor analogy yet?
An actor makes a?conscious?choice to be in the emotional state required for a specific scene.
You have the same ability every day, all day.
If you’re upset, feel it, express it, and let it GO! It’s hanging on to that negative energy that’s wipes you out.
At the end of the day: Before you leave the office – make a list of your top priorities for the next day.
Block the time on your calendar if that helps you, so the top priorities get done.
THIS alone will alleviate a lot of mental stress, providing your honor what you’ve listed as your priorities.
(Plus your subconscious will work on that list while you sleep and you’ll knock it out more quickly the next day.)
Loved this quote I read from Ashton Kutcher years ago, (paraphrased)
“Don’t check email first thing in the morning, because then you’re responding to someone else’s To Do list for you vs your To Do List.” How often do you get sidetracked by checking email, social…?!
(If your job depends on it, apply this with common sense! Don’t go telling your boss, “Lori said not to open email first thing!” )
Before bed: If you’re not in the habit of unplugging…now is a great time to start.
Turn off all electronics at least one hour before bed.
This includes the phone, the tablet, the TV…eliminate stimulation and avoid watching the news.
You don’t need your mind to focus on the negativity that the media spoon feeds you while you sleep.
Before you crawl into bed (or sitting in bed) take 7-10?S-L-O-W?deep breaths.
Inhale and exhale to the count of 5+ taking longer to inhale and exhale each time.
Set your intention to clear your mind, to rest deeply and wake feeling rested, relaxed and energized about what the day holds for you.
Speaking of being rested, relaxed, energized, and managing your energy…
Announcing Revitalize YourSELF Retreat 2022
I’m so thrilled to offer this live event again this year!
This is a women’s retreat (men you are always invited to private Mountain Mastermind Retreats).
This is an Essential Retreat for busy, high-achieving, female executives and leaders!
I flew Jenna Rae, my?Director of Marketing and Client Relations?to Denver last week (we’ve been virtual for nearly a year).
We visited the venue,?The Sebastian Vail?and they truly “wowed” us.
To make it extra special and exclusive, this is limited to only 16 women.
Our early bird special offer is waiting for you… check out this video sneak peek!
Are you ready to say yes to taking this time for YourSELF to manage?your?energy?
This powerful weekend holds the space for:
ME Time, SELF Reflection & Growth?and?Connection with other like-minded, talented, amazing women.
Come and bring a friend.
Questions? Email?Jenna Rae?today.