3 simple things that could help you get a step up in the recruitment process
Jonathan Doyle
Managing Director at techTesters | 17 Years experience ensuring competent delivery of testing services and resource across Europe
To say looking for a new job or contract is challenging in current market conditions would be a massive understatement. However, on the positive side, in the software testing and QA sector we are starting to notice activity.
If you find yourself in the situation where you are looking for work here are 3 simple things that could help you get a step up in the recruitment process and help you find that perfect job:
1.) Explaining clearly
2.) Establishing your career expectations
3.) Keep honest about the skills you do and do not have.
1.) Explaining everything clearly is imperative to getting you that perfect software testing job.
No matter at what point in the process of getting a job offer, whether it be talking to recruiters, telephone, or, face to face interview, being thorough and clear about your relevant skills gives you the best possible chance of achieving your career goals.
From my point of view as an initial point of contact for Jobseekers, those who take their time to explain what skills they have and what environments they have worked in, are the ones that I am most enthused about sending to the client. I know if they can take the time to explain clearly enough for me (someone who has an understanding of software testing) then they will do the same for the hiring managers who will interview them.
An extension of this tip would be when explaining, provide specific examples of where you used what and for how long. Rather than just saying ‘I have used Selenium with Cucumber and Java BDD framework’, say ‘I have used Selenium with Cucumber and Java BDD framework for X company on Y project and for Z years’. This will help the recruiter or hiring manager gauge exactly what skills and experience you have and in what sort of industry sector/environment.
However, relevant and clearly are two key words to this tip. Don’t over explain or place emphasis on something that isn’t relevant to the role you are discussing. For example, a Jobseeker once explained to me, in great detail the functions of the end product rather than how they went about testing said product, this was not a beneficial angle for them to take because I learned far more about the product rather than what they did – I was less likely to put them forward to the client.
2.) Stating your career expectations from the get-go with recruiters or hiring managers will help make the process of getting an offer to move as smoothly as possible. But what career expectations should you set out when discussing roles?
Here are a few examples:
- What seniority you would like to start a role at or would like to progress to?
- What salary/day rate expectations you have?
- When you are free to work/what hour would work best with your home schedule – if you have childcare obligations?
- When you are free to start?
Establishing what you need from the start of the interview can help the whole process of getting that offer to work far quicker because your future employer already understands what you expect from them and what they expect from you – being open about what you need is key.
3.) Finally, do not and I mean, DO NOT exaggerate or lie on your CV to gain the attention of employers/recruiters.
I know it seems pretty basic, but I see it more than you may think, for example I have asked about a certain skill which has been heavily featured on a Jobseeker’s CV to find they have no hands-on experience of said skill they just have an understanding of it – they were inevitably not suitable for the client and I would not consider them again because their CV has an air of dishonesty.
If you have worked with some technologies/have some skills but haven’t used them in a work environment then statements like “exposure to”, “knowledge of” or “trained in” can be great way to show hiring managers that you have worked with certain (perhaps relevant) technologies but haven’t actually applied them in the work place.
Applying my earlier point of examples would also benefit you here because saying when and where you have interacted with certain technologies or tools makes it clear just how much exposure you have and, potentially, how suitable you are.
Considering experience over exposure further, really think whether each role is right for you. If a client/company is eager to have experience to a certain level in one tool (an experience of implementing automation frameworks for example) but you only have an exposure (to maintaining automation frameworks) then perhaps the job wouldn’t be right for you. Again, this may seem obvious but as a recruiter I do find manual testers who have a limited experience of automation trying to apply for senior automation roles – thus are not suitable for the role they have applied for, often leading me to question if they have the acute attention to detail essential for software testing, putting them on the back foot if a suitable role comes available.
So, there’s just a few easy tips to help you get that job you’ve been interested in. All of these tips can come down one basic concept – transparency. Being open and clearly explaining what you have done, what skills you have and what you are looking for will be a great asset in getting to those later stages of interview and hopefully an offer.