3 Simple Questions
Aaron DeVries
2x TEDx Speaker | Guiding Families Through the Special Education Maze, so They Can Focus Their Time and Energy on Supporting Their Child | Inclusion Champion | IEP Consulting
Today I want to share something I heard while listening to a podcast this past week.
The guest on the podcast, Reverend Jen Bailey, shared this:
There are three questions that we always should be asking ourselves to bring us back to center:
She pointed out that what our minds usually focus on is #1, the things that are dying in the world.
The other two questions help us to remember that there are good things wanting to emerge and that are already blooming!!
With everything I see when I am on social media lately this really stood out to me.
Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of anything is a powerful emotion.
It is easy for me to be fearful of what is changing/dying in the world today.
But what wants to emerge?
The goodness of people
Loving thy Neighbor
Being thankful for what we have
Rethinking priorities
What is already blooming beautifully?
Humanity is overall good
People speaking out for what they believe in
People taking a stand for what is right
People helping each other
Take time to reflect on these questions when you need to recenter yourself!!
Here is the podcast episode these questions are from: