3 simple language shifts you can make now!
Sally Prosser
Voice & Public Speaking Coach | Media Trainer | Speaker | Host of That Voice Podcast
Here are three powerful language shifts that will transform your communication:
1.Invite don't demand.?
Nobody likes being told what to do. Instead of "I need this done by end of day," try "You can get this done by end of day?" A small tweak that honours autonomy and builds connection.
2. Say what you CAN, not what you can't.?
When you shift to positive language, people form positive perceptions of you. Replace can't, won't and don't with can, will and do.
3. Replace "I have to" with "I get to".?
This fundamental shift helps you live and breathe gratitude. Even when feeling fearful about a presentation, "I get to give this speech" feels very different from "I have to give this speech."
Remember: Communication is the path to connection.
Want to learn more about transforming your communication? Listen to episode 230 of That Voice Podcast: - https://www.sallyprosser.com.au/thatvoicepodcast/230?
Want to know what to say… when you don’t know what to say? Download my free E-Book: https://www.sallyprosser.online/wts-ebook
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