3 Simple Habits To Set Yourself Up To Succeed At Your Goals
Jeremy DeMerchant
?? I help coaches and consultants put their business on autopilot ?? Host of Sales Team Rescue Podcast ?? International Best-Selling Author ?? Founder of SalesEdge.io ???? CEO of Permission To Sell Consulting Group
Choosing what goals you want to accomplish is only the first step when it comes to making big changes in your business and life! Anyone can write down a goal and HOPE to accomplish it. But to really ensure that you’re going to succeed you need to put a few habits in place to be prepared and productive in your daily life.
Lucky for you, we’re sharing three of our best habits to help you gain more success and reach those goals!
Master Your Routine
Step one is to get organized. Now, I’m not talking a full out file system and label maker (unless that’s your thing--then by all means, bust out that label maker!) or anything too crazy. You can start simple with just your daily routine. What you’ll need is a planner (digital or paper). That’s it (and maybe a pen if you choose to use a physical planner). Once you’ve decided which medium to use, take the time to make a list of all the tasks and commitments you have on a regular basis so that you don’t miss anything while you’re putting together your routine.
Next, start creating a routine. This will include a start and yes, an END time for each day. That’s particularly hard sometimes but it’s still very important. Remember to schedule yourself some non-negotiable time. These times are what really solidify your routine. They’ll include activities like going to the gym, meals, relax time at the end of the day, meditation, and even showers (admit it, we’ve all reached 4:00pm some days and realize that we haven’t even managed to put on matching socks!). And make sure to schedule a little one-on-one time with your business. These times can be used to develop new products, catch up on emails, and get those pesky little tasks off your to do list.
Finally, fill in your client calls, meetings, and appointments. This is the meat and potatoes of your schedule but don’t bite off more than you can chew. Make sure to leave 10 minutes between your meetings to account for a bathroom break or another cup of coffee, and to stand up and stretch your legs.
Follow this routine as closely as you can to make sure that it becomes second nature. Once you find some momentum in your schedule you’ll feel those organizational juices flowing and you’ll be one step closer to accomplishing your goals.
Hold Yourself Accountable
...And if you can’t, then find someone who will. Whether it’s announcing your goal and deadline on social media or to your coach, finding a way to hold yourself accountable is one of the most important factors in reaching the finish line of your goal. Think of it this way, accountability is the little voice in your head that keeps you moving forward. A lot of the time this little voice is quiet compared to the ones that are telling you to watch that extra episode of Suits before bed, to hit the snooze button on your alarm clock, or that those chocolate covered almonds are a suitable snack in your weight loss regime. So listening to it can be kind of hard sometimes. That’s why when it comes to accountability we often suggest finding a coach or a group that you can confide these goals to, and who can get on you when you start to veer in the wrong direction.
Without some kind of accountability you’ll have a really hard time trying to accomplish the important long term goals that you set for yourself.
Oh, and don’t worry, if you’re not in the position to hire a coach or join a mastermind to help push you forward! There are a lot of lower cost programs that you can use to help you that are a small investment compared to the HUGE return you’re going to get out of them. Putting a financial investment into your goals can often make them a lot easier to accomplish because failing is then associated with the idea of wasting money, something that most of us really like to avoid.
Fuel Up Like A Champion
Our bodies and brains, much like most of the technology and tools we use each day, need some kind of fuel to work properly. Your car isn’t going to run if you don’t fill it up at the pump, so why do you expect your body and brain to run properly when you skip lunch or opt for a protein bar over an actual breakfast?
The same goes for making time for activities other than work. This is where we go back to mastering your routine. Use that non-negotiable time to make sure that you are eating actual meals and not just stopping on the go to grab a sandwich. Fit in time for fitness, family, and other activities that will help keep your mind clear and motivated when you sit down at your desk. Fuel your body AND your brain.
It’s a lot easier to get your work done knowing that at the end of the day you’ve fit in time to go for a walk with your spouse or to sit on your porch with a good book and a cold drink. These moments and activities are what will propel you get your work done, accomplish your goals, and live the lifestyle you dream about. Use them to benefit you as a person AND a professional.
For more information on goal setting and access to our FREE Y.A.C.H.T. Process for accomplishing goals, sign up for our FREE webinar: 5 Simple Strategies To Achieving Your Goals With Confidence