3 Signs You Need To Renovate Your Store
There’s no question that the pandemic has forced your store to endure far less foot traffic than it was once used to. However, that’s certainly no reason to neglect the state of your place of business. Is it in tip-top shape? You could argue that now, more than ever, it’s vital to keep up with appearances. It’s important to make sure that, since visitors may be limited, there is not a single person who leaves your store unimpressed.
Is it time to give your place of business a makeover? Here are three signs you need to renovate your store:
1. Your store looks dilapidated.
Has COVID-19 caused you to be less concerned about general maintenance? Are there any cracks in the floor, windows and/or ceiling? You know what they say about first impressions. If people are visiting your store and noticing an old and worn-looking decor, they are not likely to want to do business with you. As Sandoff.com points out, when your store is visibly unkempt, shoppers notice it right away.
“Dingy walls, cracked floors, and permanent stains on the edges of your windows – there’s a fine line between charmingly old and old-old, and you should know if it’s the latter,” says the site, “If the store looks old, there’s a high chance that it will also look dirty. After all, there is only so much scrubbing you can do to make a 20-year old counter look new. If this the case for your retail store, then a remodel is a worthwhile investment.”
2. You’re not making great use of your space.
Do you have boxes piling on top of each other in your storage room? Are your aisles too narrow to allow customers to walk by each other? Do shoppers find the layout confusing? Is it hard to find items? If you’re not making great use of your space, it’s time to change things around. According to Minnesota’s Rutledge Construction, creating extra square footage in your retail space can help to generate a higher volume of clientele.
“When you have more room added to your commercial space, you have greater freedom to add more employees, customers, and products,” reads their website, “It will be very difficult for your business to grow and thrive if said growth is thwarted by a space that isn’t big enough.”
3. Your competition has stepped things up.
If you go several years without updating the look of your store, your competitors are bound to leave you in the dust – both figuratively and possibly literally. It’s important to not just keep up with the times but represent your brand as a leader in its industry. If the competition has undergone renovations, you don’t want it to appear as if your business is unable to keep up.
“Does the store across the street have a new look?” asks Sandoff.com, “Is there a hot new store that just popped up down the block? When your competitors are upgrading, it’s a clear sign that you should do the same, lest you want to be left behind. Remember that the retail industry is continuously changing, and you can’t expect your store to perform as well as it should when you don’t embrace change.”
If you’re looking to renovate your store, please don’t hesitate to contact Synergy Merchants to learn about how our unique merchant cash advance program can get you some extra working capital within 24 hours! Call us at 1-877-718-2026 or email us at [email protected]. You can also apply online for a free, no obligation quote!