3 Shopping Trends That Need To Die This Year
As someone who grew up in traditional retail and now leads an ecommerce agency, I’m excited about the strides retail has made, and where it’s headed as we plunge into a new decade.
There’s no question that retail has undergone a massive transformation recently. The rise of ecommerce has brought more convenience and choice to consumers, and allowed new brands to enter the marketplace without having to go through traditional gatekeepers. Meanwhile, a growing number of brick-and-mortar stores are now easily confused for art galleries, hip cafes or even community centers.
But that’s not to say there isn’t room for improvement. As much progress as we’ve seen, some retailers are still holding onto bad habits from a bygone era. Here are some retail trends I hope we’ll (finally) wave goodbye to this year.
Waging war on returns
It never fails to surprise me how often ineffective policies are guided by fear. Take returns, for example. Many companies still refuse to streamline this process by imposing short return windows, preventing online purchases from being taken back in-store, or neglecting to include return postage and instructions in delivery packages.
The misguided thinking here is that making returns easy will encourage consumers to abuse the system, and ultimately cost retailers money. But just the opposite is true.
In the era of online shopping, easy returns are crucial in getting consumers to take a chance on a new brand or product. What’s more, no-hassle returns have proven to be a critical component in building trust and loyalty with customers, and even inspire repeat purchases. One report found that 96% of consumers said they’d shop with a retailer again if they found the return experience was easy.
Zappos is a good example of this principle in action. The online shoe retailer is often lauded for its excellent customer service, thanks mostly to their free 365-day return policy. Far from costing the company money, Zappos has found customers with the highest return rates are the ones who spend the most money — and generate the biggest profits — for the brand.
Hiding the story
I was recently in Bloomingdales and frankly, it wasn’t a great experience. The racks weren’t well kept, and when I was rifling through them I had no context for what I was looking at. Was this a new collection? Last year’s model? What was the story here?
If the rise of direct-to-consumer retail has taught us anything, it’s the power of storytelling to set a brand apart. It’s no longer good enough for retailers — online or off — to put their products on display and hope for the best. Consumers are now accustomed to having product knowledge, and context, at their fingertips. If retailers don’t provide that information people will seek it, and likely make their purchases, elsewhere.
For traditional retailers who don’t own a product’s origin story, shedding light on the process of curating inventory is an opportunity that’s too often missed. Telling the story of why a specific clothing or makeup line stood out from the competition to wind up on the shelf leverages the experience and knowledge of buyers who have a unique perspective on the marketplace.
Macy’s has done this with its Style Crew, an online platform where influencers share their favourite products, and importantly why they like them. Meanwhile, the brand also acquired New York-based concept shop Story to create highly curated popups in its physical stores. Organized by theme, these spaces change every few months to create a “narrative experience” shoppers can keep coming back to.
Maintaining the great online/offline divide
Too many brands still see online and offline as separate worlds. Customers don’t.
There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing a deal in-store that you can’t access online, or vice versa, or taking time to fill out a customer profile online and then being completely anonymous when shopping in person.
As we head into the next decade, I expect we’ll see more retailers blur the boundaries between online and offline when it comes to displaying products. Lacoste and Wayfair, for instance, are two brands who are already doing this by investing in augmented reality.
Equally important, however, will be erasing the boundaries customers experience when they interact with brands across various platforms. By now, most retailers have recognized that success comes down to reaching consumers across multiple channels. The next step is figuring out how to recognize the same individuals as they move across them.
I know I can’t predict exactly what the next 10 years hold in store for retail. But history has proven this to be true: what consumers want from retailers — great customer service, products at a fair price and an overall pleasant shopping experience — is unlikely to change. Saying goodbye to some of these archaic retail trends will help ensure we can meet that demand, and remember what’s really important as we move into a new decade.
A version of this post was originally featured in Forbes. Stay up to date with my latest by following me here and on Twitter.
Better sleep better world
5 年Thats a great update for anyone that has not kept up to speed with the fast changing retail world.