3 Secrets to Making a Great First Impression as a Public Speaker

3 Secrets to Making a Great First Impression as a Public Speaker

3 Secrets to Making a Great First Impression as a Public Speaker

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“First Impression is the Last Impression,” We've all heard the cliché. In professionally speaking, this is often the case. When you get on the stage, chances are that the audience will either categorize you as a ‘good speaker’ or a ‘bad’ one. The speakers that fall in the average category are rarely remembered and are discarded from minds immediately. That’s why the audience has two extreme buckets to put you, in not a lot of time to decide. This article is to provide you with a few tools to ensure that you get viewed as the professional that you are.

Your Intro Is Your Everything

There is nothing more important than how you are announced. Whether you are hyped up, given a corny introduction, or downplayed, your intro affects how the content of your speech is viewed. Do not let this part be controlled by the client. You should take your introduction into your own hands. Controlling how you have perceived starts with controlling what gets said in your introduction. Make sure you send a written, print-friendly, introduction, and bring a printed copy in case the client forgets to print your introduction. You do not what them improvising it on the go.

Bring Extra Pencils/Pens

Make sure you bring extra pencils or pens alongside your handouts. I can guarantee it that many people in the audience will be reaching for empty pocking when they need pens. That is a unique opportunity for you as you come prepared. Make a point of it by telling your audience to anticipate the needs of their customers, partners, or clients. And then bring up the fact that you brought extra pencils as an example of anticipating the customers’ need. This boosts your impression as a profession and serves as a learning moment.

This technique is especially important if you are training corporate workers, on being professional. You have to be able to describe that anticipating people's needs is of a great deal. It is also important that you make your handouts look presentable. Make them sleek, branded, and all-around beautiful. The more they look like a work of art, the most your audience associates professionalism with you. It is, after all, a matter of creating an impression!

Present, Present, Present

This is one of the most obvious points but is as important as it is obvious. I cannot stress this enough that you have to deliver talks to get good at giving talks. I don’t mean that you have to practice talks. You have to be on stage to get good at being on stage. Deliver so many speeches, that even the worst of your speeches gets qualified to walk into the most professional environment. To do so, I recommend speaking in front of lower-stakes audiences till your ‘worst’ gets better than your ‘best’ right now. Then you are ready for high-stakes rooms.

Once you walk in with the confidence that you can deliver an amazing presentation without even trying, you will make an incredible impression. That is because you will genuinely not be needy for approval. And there is no way to get to that level without presenting, presenting, and presenting.

I leave you in the love and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and the peace of your dreams.

Antonio T Smith Jr

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