The 3 Second Rule and Behavioral Changes
We all have something we want to change; a habit we want to build or get rid of. We have tried so many things and we’re still trying. We have tried motivation, will power, reward systems, prompting, and pairing. We also have tried net time, other types of positive reinforcement, and negative reinforcement. Furthermore, we have used the principle of Regularity, of Frequency, and of Intensity. We also may have used our cognitive function of Imagination, or Identity layer over the process, or over the Outcome layer. We know that all these behavior techniques will help us while we wait for the shift in the belief system from one that led to our unhelpful habits, to the one that we need in order to build some new healthy behaviors.
While we continue to implement these behavior techniques and make sure our belief systems are being properly shaped (without which our efforts at the behavioral level will be limited), we would like to introduce you to a rule to go by that will enhance your experience and your success. In subsequent articles, we will introduce additional rules. Here it is:
The 3 Second Rule:
Use this rule when you need to get something done but it is very hard for you to start or get started. For example, do you have a difficult time waking up in the morning, starting your exercise, or writing? Do you have difficulty getting yourself to start reading? Regardless of what it may be, the 3 Second Rule is a great one and it can be incorporated into our life right away. How does it work?
What’s the Neuroscience behind the above rule?
Often enough, we think, desire, or wish to do something. Yet we just don’t feel like doing it. This “not feeling like doing it,” may have little impact on many things that we want to do in our lives. However, there are some other tasks, activities, or functions that we just “don’t feel like doing,” which may interfere with our life, our relationships, our health, our career, to name a few.
Truth be told, “I don’t feel like doing it,” even for these tasks, activities, or functions, may not be the problem per se. What becomes the problem is our relationship with this feeling. In order words, if we don’t feel like doing it, but go ahead and do it anyway and get it done, then not only, was that feeling insignificant, but it will also, eventually become non-existent.
Now, because we are the ones who are consciously engineering the emotional reasoning, it is not considered to be a cognitive error because it is not from an automatic thought, because it is not automatic, yet. You will want it to be eventually, but it will not be based on past beliefs like all automatic thoughts are. instead, it will be stored in our unconscious as a skill to perform an activity, just like riding a bike, or running, or driving a car.
Needless to say, this takes some practice. If it is practiced Regularly, Frequently, and with enough Intensity (at as many opportunities as possible), it will be mastered, become automatic, and we will surprise ourselves. Such a simple system we can add to our lives, and can make a difference that elevates our life for the better and forever.? Are you willing to give it a try?
?If so, join us for our next Behavioral Certificate Class on Monday, and do feel free to share with others.
See you then,
Karen and Mardoche