?? 3 Insights from Science to Reach your Goals Faster
Shadé Zahrai MBA LLB
Helping you Master the Mindset & Skills to Lead and Succeed – without Burning Out ?? | Award-winning Global Peak Performance Educator to Fortune 500s | Behavioral Strategist | Ex-Lawyer
Welcome to Career Catalyst, your weekly dose of practical strategies and tips for career advancement – minus the overwhelm.?
Everyone has goals, so why is it that some seem to achieve far more than others??
It’s because those who accomplish their goals at a higher rate follow a systematic, proven method of goal setting and goal attainment. ?
While neuroscientists and behavioural researchers are still understanding how we’re wired and what?motivates us, we can tap into insights from research to maximise our chances at accomplishing more – with less effort!?
Here are 3 science-based insights for reaching your goals faster.
1. Focus on what you WANT
A 2020 study tracked the success rates of people who set goals based on either ‘approaching’ a positive outcome, (“to have a strong quarter with my team”) versus those who aimed at ‘avoiding’ a negative end state (“to not let the team down …”). ?
The results revealed that those who set ‘approach’ goals and focused on what they ‘wanted’, rather than what they don’t want, were significantly more likely to report success (Oscarsson et al., 2020).?
So when formulating your goals, emphasise the rewards you aim to attain – the ‘benefits’.?Keep your eyes on what you truly WANT– not what you don't!
2. Rephrase Goals as 'Want-to's
Do your goals sound like "have-to" goals??
Or do you have more empowering "want-to" goals that fuel your passion?
A fascinating 2015 study compared the difference between "have-to "and "want-to" goals. The results revealed a striking difference. Those with "want-to" goals were far better at resisting temptation and achieving their objectives compared to those with "have-to" goals (Milyavskaya et al., 2015).?
The secret?
"Want-to" goals are intrinsically enjoyable and driven by an inner motivation, which provides a protective factor against temptation and enhances self-regulation. Whereas "have-to" goals generally stem from external pressures or obligations.
So, what's the takeaway for you, the busy professional??
When aiming for positive change, zero in on the internal rewards of your pursuits rather than succumbing to external pressures. Embrace your authentic desires, and you'll find that motivation and success follow naturally.
Here are some examples:?
?“I have to go to the gym” –– ? “I want to improve my fitness and feel healthier.”
? “I have to go to a leadership training.” –– ? “I want to advance my career and make a meaningful contribution as a leader.”
? “I have to attend networking events.” –– ? “I want to expand my professional network and build valuable connections.”
? “I have to learn a new software or skill.” –– ? “I want to broaden my expertise and stay ahead of the curve in my industry.”
3. Visualise Obstacles
You might have been advised in the past to visualise yourself achieving your goals. Here’s why that may not be as effective as you think.?
A 2011 study discovered that indulging in desired future visualisations can actually drain energy, while other research indicates that this practice predicts poor achievement (Oettingen & Mayer, 2002).??
So, rather than only envisioning yourself reaching the end goal, you ALSO need to visualise the EFFORT required to get there.?
Here's a two-step approach:
By anticipating potential hurdles and creating a plan to tackle them, you better prepare yourself for the journey ahead – and you’ll be more likely to persevere and ultimately succeed!
A final note... While striving to achieve goals is human nature, let's not forget to savour life's daily moments and make a difference for ourselves and others. By balancing our desire for progress with appreciating the here and now, we can craft a life that's not only successful but also genuinely fulfilling.?
Remember, it's about the journey as much as the destination.
What’s your best tip for achieving your goals? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.???
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And of course if you found value in what you read, please share with your network. ??
? Gollwitzer, P. M., & Brandst?tter, V. (1997). Implementation intentions and effective goal pursuit. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73(1), 186.
? Milyavskaya, M., Inzlicht, M., Hope, N., & Koestner, R. (2015). Saying “no” to temptation: Want-to motivation improves self-regulation by reducing temptation rather than by increasing self-control. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 109(4), 677.
? Oettingen, G., & Mayer, D. (2002). The Motivating Function of Thinking About the Future: Expectations Versus Fantasies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83(5), 1198-1212.
? Oscarsson, M., Carlbring, P., Andersson, G., & Rozental, A. (2020). A large-scale experiment on New Year’s resolutions: Approach-oriented goals are more successful than avoidance-oriented goals. PLoS One, 15(12), e0234097.
If you enjoyed this article, you might find value in my LinkedIn Learning Course:?Nano Tips to Accelerate your Goals . I share 10 commonly overlooked, counterintuitive, and must-know tips that truly make a difference when it comes to achieving your goals. You can access the videos for FREE by clicking?this link . Enjoy!
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1 年My three best tips to reach goals faster: #1 : Prioritize Your Goals: Identify the most important goals for your business and prioritize them accordingly. This will help you focus your time and energy on the most impactful areas and make progress toward your objectives faster. #2 : Break Goals into Smaller Steps: Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps. This makes them less overwhelming and easier to achieve. It also helps you track your progress and make adjustments along the way. #3 : Build a Support System: Surround yourself with people who will support and motivate you. This can include mentors, colleagues, and employees. A strong support system can help you stay on track, overcome obstacles, and achieve your goals faster.