3 Sales Lessons from the Biggest Narco of the 1990s

3 Sales Lessons from the Biggest Narco of the 1990s

Amado Carrillo Fuentes

Better known as "El Se?or de los Cielos" or?"Lord of Heaven".

He was not a saint

he was a horrible criminal

I think we are all adult enough to distinguish the learnings from the terrible of the drug business.

But it has 3 powerful lessons for selling b2b.

1) Know your product and market inside out.

Amado Carrillo knew the problems of the drug supply chain.

Because of that knowledge he was able to change the whole process and work with fleets of planes and control the whole process.

If you know the supply chain and your product very well, you will be able to use different and much more effective sales techniques.

2) Don't let your ego dominate you

"The Lord of the Skies was one of the most discreet narcos in Mexico, he knew what was good for his business.

in sales the application is the same

listen much more than you talk

wait until you know what your customer needs and then offer him the solution.

don't talk about how good your product or your company is without listening first.

3) Always innovate in every part of the process

Change frequently your speech on the phone.

try different messages for the mails

Speak differently and more directly to your customers and prospects.

Present the product in a different way than others.

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