3 Rules in life
Dominic Thang
Project Manager | Metering Systems & Sales Leader | Delivered $1M+ Turnover | Seeking High-Impact, Flexible Opportunities??
Whatever you learn or do in your journey of life. Apply these 3 NOT rules. You will be good. They are:
No Opinions | No Victims | No Excuses
This is something that I learned and I experience, so sharing with my beloved network.
No Opinions:
Imagine if you have too many opinions in your head, could you have room for new things? If you have a big ego, how could you accept others? I was so sceptical and closed myself strong enough so I don't intake new idea, don't accept any new contribution or help. I missed so many gifts, value love in my life. So, don't be like my old me.
Another reason is that when we interact with others, everyone has their own world, they would like to be listened to. As human nature, we would like to share, would like to be healed. And because of what, they don't care about your problem, your idea. What they want is someone to hear them, help them.
So, forget about your opinions.
Open up your heart, your mind to learn and listen. Listen with care to the one coming to you.
Empty your cup and start learning fresh, new, beautiful things
No Victims:
I was in such a long period of time, beat myself up. Self-sabotage. Unhappy. Anger, stress and keep seeing myself as a victim, a loser. Those were dangerous states.
Until I find that I have no problems. Those states are just natural things, my adversity. Regardless I like or not, I have to live with it.
So why don't I learn from it, why don't I stop seeing myself as a victim but a winner, take control back to my life. See-through the struggle, learn from failure and moving forward.
No Excuses:
Another meaning of it is no laziness, no procrastination. We knew if we want to achieve anything, we must pay the price first, work hard, step out of our comfort zone, however sometimes we can't, we make excuses here and there.
Again, don't blame you for that. It is normal. Simply: No excuse! What you could do is apply this rule
Just do it. Keep taking imperfect actions.
You are soon reaching your goal than you think.
Sincerely yours,
Dom Win