3 Reasons Why Your Marketing Videos Aren't Resonating (and How to Fix It)

3 Reasons Why Your Marketing Videos Aren't Resonating (and How to Fix It)

Have you ever poured your heart and budget into a video, only to see crickets in the comments section and a measly view count?

You're not alone.

Many businesses fall victim to the "spray and pray" approach to video marketing, throwing content out there without a clear strategy.

The result?

Generic videos that fail to connect with their target audience and ultimately, fail to achieve their goals.

I meant, business goals.

At Pirsonal , we specialize in helping organizations grab their audience's attention, increasing engagement, and prompting action through personalized videos at scale.

So we know a thing or two about where many businesses fall short when approaching video—in-house or outsourced.

Today, you'll learn three hidden pitfalls that could be sabotaging your video marketing efforts, and how to overcome them.

Pitfall #1: The Drifting Goalpost

Graph: 42% of video marketers quantify video ROI through customer engagement and retention
42% of video marketers quantify video ROI through customer engagement and retention

Imagine setting off on a road trip without a destination. It's hard. And tiring.

That's essentially what happens when you create a video without a clear goal.

Are you aiming to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or boost employee engagement?

Having that in mind is a good first step. But it's not enough.

Define your objectives using the SMART goal framework.

What is SMART?

SMART is an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

[ READ: Unleashing the Power of SMART Goals for Audience Engagement]

Here's how it translates to a real-life scenario. Let's take HR and internal communications for a moment:

Let's say your company, with 6,000 employees, wants to improve employee engagement through a video campaign.

  • Specific: Increase employee participation in the company wellness program by 15%.
  • Measurable: Track the number of new program enrollments within a 3-month period.
  • Achievable: 15% growth is a realistic target based on historical data.
  • Relevant: Improved employee engagement translates to a happier and more productive workforce and higher retention rates.
  • Time-bound: Achieve the 15% enrollment increase within the next quarter.

Next time you jump into a video project, don't leave it just to "engagement". Be specific.

Also, don't create a video because your competitors have made one. They (should) have their own goals, and this can distract you from what matters to your audience.

[LEARN MORE: Personalized Video Tactics in HR and internal communications]

Pitfall #2: The Content Chameleon

A common misstep is creating generic content that caters to a broad audience and, yes, many products or services.

This approach dilutes your message and fails to connect on a personal level.

[ LEARN MORE: Say NO to Status Quo, Yes to Personalization—Here is Why]

Research shows that your audience wants more personalization.

Graph: 76% of people get frustrated at brands that don't deliver personalized interactions

Our experience shows that when they don't get this personalization, they often:

  1. Stop paying attention to your communications and interactions. Therefore, your marketing becomes more expensive.
  2. Find other products, services, or brands that emotionally connect with them. Therefore, your churn rate increases.
  3. Stop recommending your offering to their network. Therefore, again, your marketing becomes more expensive.

Personalization delivers results.

Thumbnails of personalized videos with names

This is why we're passionate about personalized videos at Pirsonal.

Remember that each contact in your CRM, email list, or spreadsheets is unique.

Video personalization allows you to tailor the content to each individual, capturing their attention, increasing engagement, and driving action.

In particular, when it comes to communicating crucial information, variable data videos emerge as a powerful storytelling tool, enabling you to help contacts comprehend information more effectively and guide them to the next stage in their journey with your organization.

Remember, there is a place for sales pitches. However, people connect with stories. And storytelling is where video shines.

Think of your video as a conversation, not a lecture.

Focus on the "why" behind the content—why should your audience—and every contact—care?

Structure your video like follows and you'll engage with different personality types within your audience:

Script structure for effective personalized videos for customers
How to structure personalized videos

  1. Introduction: The main point you want to convey in this video clip and a hook to keep watching.
  2. Central: Share more details and a clear call-to-action.
  3. End: Reinforce the main message and remind the call-to-action

If you want to know how to structure any video for bigger impact, watch the following video now:

Pitfall #3: The Distribution Dead Zone

Even the most captivating video loses its impact when it's not seen by anyone.

Effective distribution is essential and goes beyond simply uploading your masterpiece to YouTube.

If that platform aligns with your target audience, then YouTube is the ideal place for your video.

However, many businesses either lack sufficient visibility on YouTube or need videos tailored for specific journey moments or contexts with particular contacts.

As a result, social media platforms do not effectively assist them in engaging with their audience through video.

Here is, again, where personalization becomes your secret weapon.

Data-driven videos are 116% more effective than generic videos at engaging with viewers
Personalized videos are more effective than generic videos

The Power of Personalization

Let's go back to the HR example.

Think for a moment.

Which is more effective:

A one-size-fits-all corporate video explaining benefits, rewards programs, and compensation plans, or personalized videos that are uniquely made for every employee?

Here is an example of video personalization explaining benefits and compensation plans:

Now, imagine sending a personalized email to each employee with a link to a video tailored specifically made for them.

This targeted approach vastly increases the chances of them watching and engaging with the content. Therefore, it takes you closer to your goal.

In addition to uploading the video on the company portal and including it in the monthly newsletter, consider creating personalized versions for every employee.

This will maximize the impact, which you can of course track.

To learn more about why your team should consider start with personalization, or improve your current strategy, watch the following video:

The Emotional Connection Advantage

Video, unlike any other marketing tool, can evoke powerful emotions. A well-crafted story can make viewers laugh, cry, or feel inspired to take action.

By tapping into emotions, you create a deeper connection with your audience, making your message more memorable and persuasive.

In fact, as shown in the following table, emotionally connected customers are more loyal and spend more .

The Danger of Ignoring These Truths in Video Marketing

Ignoring these key principles in your video marketing strategy can lead to wasted resources.

Wasted time on creative meetings, unnecessary travel costs for agency meetings, and ultimately, a video that nobody watches despite its hefty price tag.

Personalization, on the other hand, allows you to create one video with virtually unlimited variations, maximizing your ROI and tailoring the message to resonate with each individual.

In today's world, where 76% of people crave personalized interactions (McKinsey & Company), personalization is no longer an option, it's a necessity.

Let's Recap

By defining clear goals, crafting tailored and compelling content, and utilizing a strategic, personalized distribution approach, your video marketing efforts can finally achieve the results you expect. Because now you know what to expect.

I have a challenge for you: share this article with your colleagues and creative teams.

Discuss how you can implement these strategies in your next video project. Contact me if you have any question or need feedback.

Remember, engaging video marketing doesn't have to be a mystery but it does require strategy.

By following these guidelines, you can create content that resonates deeply with your audience and drives real business results.

Have questions?

Feel free to reach out to me here in Linkedin or contact Pirsonal to explore how video personalization can help your organization achieve specific business goals when engaging with your audience.

Stefan Xhunga

Digital Marketing Strategist | CEO Specialist | Content Strategist | Strategies & Projects | Development Strategies | Organizational Development | Business Learning & Benefits | Analytical Article for all categories |

6 个月

Josías De La Espada Sempris : ? Thank you for this very interesting newsletter ! ? The article suggests that the lack of clear strategy and goals is a common reason why marketing videos fail to resonate with their intended audience. ? By adopting the SMART goal framework, businesses can create more focused and effective video content that connects with their target audience and achieves its intended purpose.


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