3 Major Reasons Your Facebook Ads May Be Getting Rejected

3 Major Reasons Your Facebook Ads May Be Getting Rejected

In this article, we're going to talk about Facebook ad disapprovals, rejection, shutdowns and highlight actionable steps about how to fix the problem.

If you are a small business owner or a sales professional entrepreneur and you've tried to run ads on Facebook and it hasn't worked, or you got your ads shut down or got it rejected and you just don't know how to get them approved or even maybe you are looking to run ads at some point, then it is really imperative to avoid these pitfalls:

First, there is every possibility to panic after your ad has been disapproved, but the good news is that almost every single disapproval comes down to one of three problems. Although, sometimes multiple reasons, but all three of these most common mistakes are super easy to fix.

Reason 1: Misleading Claims And Promises

So an obvious misleading claim would be within the neighborhood of; hey, lose a hundred pounds in three days!

Obviously, that's misleading, however even if your claim is true, Facebook might still see it as misleading.

?For example, let's say that you're a weight loss coach and you helped someone to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, and you run an ad that says here's how to lose 10 pounds in two weeks, even if it's true Facebook may still consider that to be a misleading claim.

This is why when you watch infomercials, at the bottom you often see those disclaimers that say ‘results not typical’ that’s because you can't claim that every single person is going to have the same results, or lose 10 pounds in two weeks because the average person might read that and say well it didn't work for me, now I'm going to go and sue Facebook.

One of the ways Facebook detects misleading claims is if you put a result and a time frame together, that can often result in what they consider a misleading claim.

One thing you could do is take out the timeline and just say: if you want to learn how to lose 10 pounds read this; and then you just leave out the time frame in which it can happen, and that can help to make your ad a little more compliant.

?You could also take out the word ‘weight loss’ altogether. Again, this is just an example of weight loss but you can apply these same steps to your business regardless of your industry.

Instead of saying; ‘weight loss', you can say; ‘if you want to fit into your old jeans again’, or if you want to shred unwanted belly fat.

In doing this, you're getting away from that specific claim of 10 pounds and you're getting into something a little bit more generic.

Another common reason for ad disapproval is before and after pictures. This goes with misleading claims so you can't use before and after pictures in your Facebook ads.


Reason 2: Personal Attributes

Another important reason for ads disapproval is when you're calling out something about a person that is private to them, that they don't necessarily want other people to know about them.

Not surprisingly, Facebook has thousands, and all kinds of data points on its users and it knows what websites people visit, who they like on Facebook, what videos they watch, and so forth.

This gives Facebook a lot of information about a person but nonetheless, Facebook still wants a good user experience, and Facebook doesn't want that person scrolling through their news feed saying; hold on how does Facebook know that I lost my home to foreclosure, or how does Facebook know that I'm overweight, or how does Facebook know that I have a clinical disorder, e.t.c

We often see people using phrases and mentions that will most likely get your ads in trouble, or worse, your ad account disabled, and we highlight a few below;

Mentioning any particular gender, age, or a person’s religion, or mentioning ‘Facebook’, ‘instagram’, any foul language, or using the words ‘double’, ‘step by step’, ‘you’, ‘your’ ‘master’, ‘wealth’, ‘CBD’, ‘weight loss’, ‘laptop lifestyle’, ‘slave’, ‘blacklist’, ‘whitelist’, ‘working from home’ e.t.c

Other common phrases to avoid are;

Do you ‘struggle’ with _____. Or, if you ‘struggle’ with _____.

Well, here’s why. That person's going to read that and go ‘I don't like this, and I don't like Facebook spying on me.?How does Facebook know I filed for bankruptcy, or that I'm overweight. e.t.c

?The good news is that there are two simple phrases we’ve found that you can use to get around the personal attributes problem.

?They are:

?1.????For anyone who ____

2.????If you know anyone who____

?In our ads, we will say; ‘for anyone who?wants to lose weight. Notice, in this context, we’re not saying, ‘I know that you want to lose weight’. We are simply saying ‘for anybody who wants______ and we let them self-select.

Here’s another example;

If you know anyone who's recently filed for bankruptcy_______. And then you want to move on with the rest of your ad and the reason we like that one is that, if your targeting is a little bit off and they, for some reason are not the person who actually wants your thing but they know someone who is, it can create some virality if they share your ad to other people.


Reason 3: Restricted Content

The third and final main reason that we see people getting their ads rejected is restricted content and we've seen a lot of people who said: yes I've had my ads restricted because I'm promoting CBD.

CBD or CBD oil is one thing that is considered restricted content, mainly because of what it is made of, and laws and policies associated with its use.

Another common example comes from promoting any kind of network marketing.

If you're talking to people about joining your downline in network marketing or you're talking about making money, or a business opportunity. This will often lead to a rejected ad.

The secret is to always agitate the problem and tease the solution. In the previous case, you don't necessarily have to talk about CBD oil directly in order to attract the right kind of person who would have a problem that CBD oil could solve.

?Here's a pro tip and what you can do to solve this problem.

Make a list of every single problem that your product has solved.?For instance, if it's CBD, maybe one of the problems that it solved is lack of sleep. Well stop talking about essential oils or whatever your thing is because nobody really wants to hear about the oil, nobody is really interested in going and buying oils what they're most interested in is the outcome that they can have, or that can be achieved from consuming that product.

So what you want to do is to agitate the problem your thing can solve.

What you do in this case is, run an ad about sleep deprivation because talking about sleep is not a restricted topic. You can talk about sleep but, you agitate the problem of lack of sleep and you create hope that there is a solution, but you don't tell them that CBD oil is the solution to the problem

until after they've opted in, they reach out to you inside Facebook, or a Facebook messenger, or your landing page, they get on your email list and they're outside of those prying eyes of Facebook and then you can introduce the solution.

Bonus Tip; Also take note that your landing page plays a vital role in determining if your Facebook ads will fly or not. A lot of people don't realize that if you're sending people to a website or a landing page off of Facebook, Facebook doesn't just look at the words in your ad they also look at what's on the landing page.

If people get to your landing page and you don't have, for instance, terms and conditions or a privacy policy page, or you're using words that are not compliant on the landing page that can also cause your ad to get rejected.


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