These Are The 3 Reasons Why The World Has Never Followed The Eternal Word Of God Whose Rejection Has Brought The Lord's Apocalyptic Curse Upon Mankind
Jorge Mata Torres
Who's Who Member | Outstanding Young Men of America | National Honor Society | International University Professor | PhD Humane Letters | MBA International Trade | BS Communications | London College | University of Texas
Contrary to everything you and the world has been told for 2,000 years, it has been programmed to reject what God Himself commanded to keep forever which is why these 3 religions and the tens of thousands of denominations, sects and cults they have spawned cannot even agree amongst themselves which is why the Lord Himself prophesied the whole world would be deceived by Satan (Rev 12:9).
This explains why the world has fallen into chaos, degeneracy, depopulation and wars because of Luciferian mind-controlled psychopaths who belong to these religions - none of which the OT Lord, NT Lord, nor the Patriarchs, Prophets or Apostles ever established, named nor taught, whose followers God never blessed, chose nor formed a covenant with and none of which appear in the original Hebrew or Greek scriptures. All share the following: They have added to, taken from and rejected God's Eternal Word - what these non-Biblical religions will never tell you is that the Lord prohibits and curses all who do. They also never tell you the Lord does not lie, forget, change His mind nor break His promises. What God commands is immutable - no individual or religion has authority to change His eternal Word. Not one jot nor tittle as the NT Lord declared. What none of these fictitious man-made doctrines also never tell you is that what the Lord declared in the Greek NT is identical to what He declared in the Hebrew OT.
You are called today to see the irrefutable and overwhelming evidence that proves God’s Word is Eternal & Immutable as the Lord Himself repeatedly proclaims it to be in the Hebrew OT & Greek NT and to understand why only the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles and Jacob's Remnant of the Biblical House of Israel are identified?in the Kingdom of Heaven and why followers of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and all other religions are?not.
5 out of 5 stars *****
5 out of 5 stars *****
This powerful truth is a harbinger of Revelation 14:6 ~ Polly Johnson
Nothing can stop God's wrath which has already begun upon this deceived world in denial but you can save yourself from His Judgment and enter His Kingdom of Heaven according to His promise by joining Jacob's Remnant of the Biblical House of Israel who loyally obey the Eternal Word of the God of Abraham.
LOGOSOLOGY: The Study Of The (Eternal) Word Of God