3 Reasons Why IoT Security is Important In Your Design
Everyone knows security is important. Buy why? What are people going to do if your wireless doorbell isn't secure or users leave the password on the smart kettle set to default?
Do you know what information is being sent by your devices? A compromised device may allow hackers to intercept your credentials, passwords, payment details or even access your camera or microphone without you knowing.
Is your device running a little slow? Hackers can use your processor or network bandwidth to spread viruses or malware, launch DDoS attacks, Bitcoin mining, send spam emails or distribute malicious advertising.
An unsecured device can be like having a back door into your secure system. Once a hacker has access to your network they can gain access to other devices on it. It was widely reported that a casino was hacked by users gaining access via the smart thermostat in an aquarium. They can also cause devices to misbehave which may have dangerous consequences or may just brick the device.
Protect your next design and your reputation, ensure it is secure with the Microchip Technology ATECC608A CryptoAuthentication? chip available from Mouser.com.