3 Reasons Why Every CEO Should Write a Book

3 Reasons Why Every CEO Should Write a Book

Reason One: Share Your Vision

On November 24th 1995, one business book became an overnight phenomenon and caught the headlines of every top media channel in the world. In a world where fiction was always expected to outsell non-fiction, it was quite unusual for a business book to become an international bestseller.

What was even more unusual was that the book was about technology and was written by a man who dreamt about technology improving the lives of people all around the world. The success of the book was in many ways the celebration of that vision.

The book was ‘The Road Ahead’ by Bill Gates and it was his vision that turned Microsoft from a small 30-man operation based in Albuquerque into the multinational behemoth it is today.

If you are a business leader, it is your duty to share your vision with the world. Whether your company employs 50 people or 5000, it’s your job as a leader to tell your company’s story. 

For Tony Hsieh, that story is about Zappos’ quest to deliver phenomenal customer service by focusing on corporate culture. For Richard Branson, it’s about breaking all the rules. For Bill Gates it is all about how technology can serve mankind.

When you share your vision through your book, it may not become an international bestseller (like Winning by Jack Welch or Pour Your Heart into It by Howard Schultz), but it will position your leadership in your industry and open the floodgates of publicity for you and your company.

Reason Two: Create Value In The World

Jeff Bezos of Amazon always say that he is in constant pursuit of a clear vision: to be “the most customer-centric company in the world.” 

While Amazon does everything possible to become customer-centric and create a valuable brand around that vision, you can always define the values that your brand stands for, through your book. As the champion of your brand, it is your duty to ensure your brand is contributing in a meaningful manner.

Reason Three: Leave a Legacy Behind

We all want to leave a piece of ourselves behind. We do this in all sorts of ways. Some people leave fortunes for their family, while others leave their names on institutions. People who have lived enriching lives will also leave the feeling of fondness in the hearts of their loved ones.

Writing a book ensures that your thoughts become your lasting legacy. Hundreds of years from now, people may end up reading your books and discuss the ideas that you had put forward in your book.


There are two ways to write a book. The first is the hard way, where you stare at a piece of blank paper for 6 months and try to formalize your thoughts in words. Most people who go through this agony, typically give up after 3 months.

The second way to write a book is called the interview model. This is where you get interviewed by a book expert for a couple of hours. You will be asked questions about your life, your business, the challenges you overcame and your vision for the future. 

Once the interview is done, the book expert will convert the interview into a full-fledged manuscript that you can use as the base material for writing your book. The good news is that 98% of people who use the interview model, tend to finish their books and get it published.

If you need more information about how to write and publish your book, email me at kishore @ seosouq.com or give me a call on 0097150-6986164.

Here are 3 of my books:

Thanks for reading and looking forward to connect with you - Kishore Dharmarajan.

John Smith

Head of Marketing

8 年

I agree with Sanjay Argal, the second method is cool #CEO, #Dubai, #Rio

Sanjay Argal

EX-General Manager (Quality Assurance & PPC)

8 年

the second method of Interview seems to be easier ,,,thanks for sharing as also i agree with the 3 basic reasons for writing it...thanks for sharing ur views here Kishore ji

Yoga Yoheswaran

Got a question on Dubai Corporate Tax or VAT? Want to participate in knowledge sharing and networking events in Dubai? Would like to simplify life through Yoga & Minimalism? Connect with me.

8 年

Every human being born in this world has a rich story to share. This should not be limited to CEOs alone.

Sallyann Della Casa ??

Knowledge Transfer Platform with Expert Community| Collective wisdom GPTs on applying humans skills in tricky situations | CEO @ GLEAC #aifirst organization

8 年

I agree and even wrote about it in Arabian Business;-) https://www.arabianbusiness.com/published-author--new-business-card-625013.html



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