3 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Training Matters For Business
I’m always on the lookout for articles about the 3 Reasons Why Emotional Intelligence Training Matters For Business. Here are a few snippets:
Emotional intelligence, also known as EQ, impacts almost every aspect of your business. Emotional intelligence training can make a huge positive impact on your business’ overall efficiency and productivity. Let’s explore how.
Emotionally intelligent leadership involves being aware of yourself before you put on your oxygen mask. This means bringing your best self to work and supporting others. It may seem selfish, but putting your needs first will help you be more present and connected with your employees.
The ability to manage your emotions is one of the keys to effective leadership. Self-aware leaders have a more calm and rational approach to situations and are more likely to take an organisation forward. Self-aware leaders are always aware of their emotional state and how it affects others. They also have a clear picture of their strengths and weaknesses and operate with humility.
Emotional Intelligence Training Impacts Success
Companies with emotionally intelligent employees tend to be more stable and financially successful over the long term. Emotional intelligence on a personal level is closely tied to emotional intelligence on a professional level, with the habits of EQ benefiting both the employee and the employer.
Higher EQ Fosters Flexibility and Adaptability
Flexible thinking is strongly associated with?high emotional intelligence. Successful companies leverage the talent of leaders who use their adaptive skills to form strong interpersonal relationships and resolve conflicts smoothly.?
Emotional Intelligence is a Teachable Trait
Here’s perhaps the best news about EQ:?It’s something you can learn. Although a handful of people are born with extraordinarily high levels of natural EQ, pursuing?emotional intelligence training?is the secret to raising the overall level of emotional intelligence throughout your company.
Want to know more? Head on over to the full article here for more ideas and perspective. Afterwards, why not drop me an email to share your thoughts at robert@vicleaders.com.au; or call me on 0467 749 378.