3 Reasons Why Defunding DEI is Dangerous...But Debating It CAN Help!
Alex Brandon/AP

3 Reasons Why Defunding DEI is Dangerous...But Debating It CAN Help!

Title Image showing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis next to a Danger sign

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is leading the pack on speaking out against Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion calling it an “experiment”- something he’d never heard of until post George Floyd and that it is in fact discriminatory. He postures how DARE colleges and universities be critical think tanks, how DARE higher education use “good heard-working Americans’ tax paying dollars” to teach about division, to teach that gender is not just binary for some, and to enter into an open discourse about race and ethnicity in this country…essentially the argument is how DARE their institutions, well…EDUCATE! Okay, the hypocrisy is on full displace here in black and white- PUN intended but the dangerous part is that it is being supported by more than a few. Supporters of defunding DEI have embarked on a good ole-fashioned smear campaign filled with distortions at best and bold-faced lies. ?Let’s inject a bit of truth, shall we?


DEI Highlights the need for Equity

The ‘E’ of DEI is all about equity. Equity (not to be confused with equality) is about being fair and impartial; equity is seeking to provide resources at the appropriate level in which the person or group of people need it. Last, I remember, equity happens every day all day in higher institutions in their financial aid department. Every student completes a FASA form to determine HOW MUCH, if any, financial aid they should received based on their income. The student’s family that has more funds received LESS grant money or money from the government or school and those with greater need, receive MORE support. So, NO- DEI is not NEW! It’s a concept very much embedded in higher ed from who gets how much money to who gets how much tutoring or extra help. A deaf student gets a translator or special transitional devices to attend classes and the list goes on and on. ?

Now, we introduce race as a variable and suddenly pundits what to throw equity out of the window! The truth is that this country has Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) because it was illegal to educate us, then politically and socially shut out of higher ed from Harvard to Florida State. This discriminatory wall based on race as left an inequity of accessibility and DEI seeks to inject fair, impartial, and equitable practices into organizations that left to their own devices cater to those with high GPAs graduating from college prep schools in the most affluent neighborhoods across America. Let’s not forget, the by-product of DEI does not only benefit those from underrepresented populations but those from less affluent areas of society as well.


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Discouraging Accountability while Increasing Transparency

Defunding DEI enables organizations to retreat deeper into the dark (of which they barely came out of to begin with) to not openly share the demographics of those they seek to serve. DeSantis and others forget that theirs is not the only tax dollars used to fund government supported institutions.

1.The public has a right to know WHO is being served- hiding where dollars are being funneled and to who enables secrecy leaving a wide opening for inequity practices that can easily go unchecked

2. Students deserve a diverse board of educators to represent a diverse student population; not a group of hand-picked friends of leaders

3. No ability to hold organizational leaders and decision-makers accountable for their bias, again provides a Mack-truck-sized opening for inequity practices to continue unnoticed for years and those that feel the effects will have no data for proof


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Image of a green classroom chalkboard mostly erased

Root Cause is Blantanly Ignored!

At the end of the day, DEI is seeking to right a wrong perpetrated throughout this country by those in power over those without power. Power (land holding, access to capital, and access to education) have been systematically withheld based on one’s gender, race, and ethnicity. ?

DEI education isn’t the final solution of the power imbalance in America but it is a step toward equity. ?

By erasing DEI initiatives because it is not ‘THE’ solution, but not offering anything in its place is a flat-out denial that the truth. It is the willful act of ignorance and the choice to not engage in an empathetic response to lived experiences other than the one you blindly conjure in your own mind. ?

The TRTUH is that there was slavery. The TRUTH is that there are effects of slavery, Jim Crow, and forms of overt and covert discrimination. The TRUTH is that the impacts are indeed felt to this very day and bias, microaggressions and civil rights violations occur all day every day in every city and state in this “great”?nation of ours. (We aren’t great YET- we still have some work to do). Ignoring the truth does not make these facts go away.

Ignoring us, will not make us go away either! ?

We know that history books were rewritten with a whitewashed pin, whipping out the eraser is apparently the next step.



??????????????????????????????? DEBATE BREEDS RESILIENCE

Healthy debate is good and should always be welcomed!
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Temporary Practioners Move On!

Healthy debate is always good and should be welcomed. I have unpacked this last week why the political nature of DEI is unhealthy debate and dangerous. However, for those are truly questioning the merits of DEI with a “seek to understand” mindset- I say thank you as it makes way for some truth to emerge…


First, temporary practioners can now move on. Now that “DEI” isn’t as sexy and taking some hits, company purse strings are tightening Since the “easy money” is taking longer and more effort, the dross of the proverbial DEI cup is coming up and out. Which, we welcome!


Sometimes Reputation Doesn’t Breed Mastery

Let’s face it…the time of “trainings” are OVER! We were doing diversity training when I was an intern back in 2000- if we haven’t progressed beyond a 3–4-day workshop on why it’s important to treat everyone with respect at work, then what are we really doing?

It’s time to QUICKLY move employees from 101 Diversity to a master’s level understanding in justice, systemic discrimination, and the bias that is built in the organizational systems in which they operate and uphold each and every day. ?

If we aren’t saying why, it’s harmful to not check personal bias and IMPLEMENTAING (not just talking about) instituting change, we are not doing NEARLY enough and haven’t been.

It's beyond time to collectively push the needle past the “we are just happy they are having a lunch-n-learn.”

Those of us that entered the profession who saw a real need to be solved not just dollar signs are invited to be creative in our service offerings which is challenging but will ultimately serve our clients and the overall industry better.


Double Down on The Truth!

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A brown wooden board with the words "Speak Truth" painted on it in gold

To conclude our discussion on why Debating DEI can be healthy, let's summarize and allow us to expose the truth!?

I’ll get us started with a few…

Myth- consulting with a DEI professional for your Women’s History Month event or staff’s continuous professional development is showing our commitment to inclusion.

Truth- it is showing your mild interest in stepping your pinky toe in the water?

Myth- If we have a DEI officer, our company will be inclusive, and people will feel like they belong now.

Truth- did having President Barak Obama immediately heal the gender, racial, and ethic trauma in this country from over 400 years of oppression??

Myth- If we have Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) are under-represented populations at work will have a safe place to exist and find comradery.

Truth- If we don’t fund our ERGs, provide strategic direction, actively create allies that will support them, allocate time for ERG leaders to spend adequate toward their function AND find a way to compensate them for their time (hint hint…doesn’t always mean pay but honestly if you were add job responsibilities to your employee, wouldn’t you create a job description, goals and objectives, and pay them?) then you are perpetrating work exploitation on your already over-burdened staff.

I truly believe that we CAN mature our inclusion practices in the midst of a political climate that is bend toward exclusion BUT we have to begin with some honesty first!


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L. Angel Henry, MLIS, MBA, PMP, CSM, POPM的更多文章

