3 Reasons to Use That Empty Office Space

3 Reasons to Use That Empty Office Space

The massive change in working patterns in the last couple of years throws up all sorts of challenges for business owners and managers - not least how to manage the extra space they now find themselves with.

The question is, divest or utilise?

We say use it or lose out.

Here are three big reasons why.

  1. Why bother trying to remove space? Why wouldn’t you simply use the extra space to create a better workplace? After all, often this is one of the core issues employees have with the office, vs what they have at home. Space, flexibility, room to move and manoeuvre. If that was available in their place of work, it would be one more reason to return.
  2. Being together is highly biophilic: we're living things, just another part of a natural world. Some of the downsides of the work from home revolution are loneliness, loss of connection, relationships, shared experience, friendships even. Strangely though, these aspects don’t often form part of the argument for a return.
  3. Imagine the power of an argument that shines a light on these human aspects linked with a workplace that has space aplenty. That has furnishings that allow employees the flexibility to stretch out, curl up, huddle in comfort, lie-down, get away from noise and people, or get closer, move from spot to spot as the mood takes them?

How to Use the Space? Think Human.

Read more here...

pln. Colosseum. A great way to use space on a human scale



