3 Reasons Fidgeting May Be Good for Your Health

3 Reasons Fidgeting May Be Good for Your Health

Consider these three fidgeting benefits as a gentle reminder to squirm, toe tap, leg bounce, and finger snap more today—even just a little bit.

1.??????Fidgeting protects your arteries. Your toe tapping and leg bouncing is an easy and effective way to combat the decline in blood flow from sitting for long periods, according to a University of Missouri study.

2.??????Fidgeting burns calories. Your tendency to fidget burns calories, upwards of 700 calories a day, says research from the Mayo Clinic.

3.??????Fidgeting lowers your risk of death. University College London researchers found an increased risk of dying due to sitting for 7 or more hours a day only among the participants who were categorized as low fidgeters. The middle and high fidgeters didn't face any increased risk.


