3 real-world ML updates ?? you've probably overlooked ??
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3 real-world ML updates you've probably overlooked
1. Netflix Maestro
2. Google Cloud and Google DeepMind
3. PyTorch Selective Build
Some details about each of them
1) Netflix Maestro
It's a workflow orchestrator that can schedule and manage workflows at a massive scale.
Netflix describes the challenges of workflow orchestration and provides a detailed overview of Maestro.
Original blog post: click
2) Google Cloud and DeepMind
DeepMind partnered with Google Cloud over the last several years.
Some of their projects:
Original blog post: click
3) PyTorch Selective Build
Pytorch outlined the solution for running PyTorch on mobile devices, Single Board Computers, and IoT devices.
It also created a tutorial on how you use Selective Build.
Original blog post: click