3 Quick Ideas About Taking Actions You’ll Be Proud Of
Itamar Marani ? Mindset Coach
Ex Special Forces & Undercover Agent ?? BJJ Black Belt ?? Mindset Expert ?? I’ve coached 100+ 7-9 figure entrepreneurs to overcome fear, anxiety and stress while multiplying their businesses numbers (results below)
We can make plans and have a lot of intentionality, but things rarely go according to plan.
When these situations inevitably arise and you’re not sure what to do, simply ask, "What will I be proud of in hindsight?"
It will ensure you don’t make a decision based on comfort or fear, but rather on what will truly serve you.
The man in the mirror always knows.
We can rationalize to ourselves or others about the decisions we make, but at the end of the day we always know if we made a decision that we were proud of.
You can end the day frustrated knowing that you made the easy but regrettable decision or the tough decision that you can feel proud of in hindsight. The choice is yours.
"I could never do X because of what he/she/they might say or think about me."
Few things cause us to betray our true selves and make ineffective decisions more than this fear.
We subconsciously fear someone else abandoning us, so we abandon ourselves and what we really want.
The choice is yours.
You can either make a tough decision and POSSIBLY have someone judge you or you can make an easy decision and 100% judge yourself knowing you abandoned your true self for the sake of others.
Question for you:
What's the one place where you’ve been making decisions based on short term comfort, instead of based on what will truly serve your life and give you a sense of pride and satisfaction?
Are you ok living with that?
Who dares wins,