3 Quick Ideas About Finding What Keeps You Stuck

3 Quick Ideas About Finding What Keeps You Stuck


You’re getting something good out of holding onto the beliefs that ruin your success and stunt your potential.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t resist letting go of behaviors or thoughts that clearly hold you back.

It might be safety, comfort or stability.

But only once you realize this and are willing to let go of everything that you’re getting from certain beliefs, the good and ugly, you’ll be able to move forward.

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Your mind created patterns to protect you.

They served a purpose once but what kept you safe in the past might be limiting your growth now.

Before trying to force change, ask: What does this pattern give me? Why is a part of me wanting to hold onto it?

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Moving forward means accepting a temporary gap - that space between letting go of old security and building new success.

You might need to feel less competent for a while. You might need to rebuild some relationships. You might need to face old fears.

But on the other side of that gap? That's where you meet your real potential.

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Question for you:

What's one pattern or belief you know is holding you back?

Look at it with curiosity - what good thing are you getting out of it that you’re resisting letting go of?

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Itamar Marani ? Mindset Coach的更多文章

