3 questions you need to answer by Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey, Global Speaker, CVP
People need help and hope! That is my business and my message! Engage my Ideas At Work for you and your teams' success. Available LIVE or Virtually to assist your quest for profitable growth
"Only a clear definition of the mission and purpose of the business makes possible clear and realistic objectives. It is the foundation for priorities, strategies, plans, and work assignments. It is the starting point for the design of managerial jobs and, above all, for the design of managerial structures." Peter Drucker
Funny how some non-structured time in the sun with a good book allows your mind to wander and wonder. Amazing how the warmth and sea air can stimulate your imagination and your ability to dream. March is the end of your 1st quarter and a good time to pause and reflect on how you and/or your team are actually doing. Remember those goals you set late last year or early this year?
I found myself rethinking 'what I do' and 'why I do it'?on a recent trip to Cancun. I had a wonderful time addressing the dealer/owners of a Canadian National Tire Chain.
They were very receptive and open to challenge?their own experiences and to revisit 'why'?and 'what'?they were doing. This, I believe, is the beginning of building strong, long-term foundations for profitable success under any organization. I hope my time with them will lead to additional opportunities to serve them and work with their organization. They are a great team of people!
From personal experience, having a "strongly defined," visual image of your purpose and a strategic mission?of what you do will keep you focused. It will also keep you fired up and excited about your business and career. It will?help you ride the tough times and challenges that come with everyday life and?modern-day business.
My challenge for you is to?take a minute... ok, 15 minutes, and take a serious look at what you are doing.
Ask yourself,
?? Copyright 2018-2022?Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey www.ideaman.net All rights reserved. Used with permission of the author.
?Bob ‘Idea Man’ Hooey is a creative, productivity and leadership strategist who regularly writes for North American Consumer and Trade Journals, on-line magazines and company intranets. He works with Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies. He is the author of 15 business and leadership books plus and the 48th person in the history of Toastmasters International to earn their coveted professional level Accredited Speaker designation.
PS: My personal (separate from my professional one) mission statement includes scheduling some winter 'Sun Time' to recharge my batteries, have fun,?and?relax on occasion. Even nicer when?I can combine it with the work that I love. (Just came in from plowing about 2 feet of snow off my driveway (written during the winter a few years back). Gee, what a difference a week makes.)
If I can be of assistance to engage and empower your leaders and their teams, call me. Now that the world is open again, I am free to resume travelling the world sharing my Ideas At Work! with leading edge organizations.