3 questions we could ask.
Bernie De Souza
World-Renowned International Speaker & Leading authority in helping businesses and individuals in maximising peak performance.
The conversation is simple. Just ask these three questions of our team members:
The most common answer? “Uh, no plan. Do you have a plan? What would you recommend?”
We can then start a conversation to help the prospect/client on the next steps, as they realise, they have to take action.
Use the word "instead" when talking to prospects. Then they will feel better, as they assume they are already doing what we propose. Examples?
Using "instead" makes it easier for prospects to make a change.
What would happen if we were flooded with prospects?
Our confidence improves. Our positioning improves. And we never stress about where our next prospect will come from.
This won’t happen automatically. We have to make this happen.
Make it a habit to learn a new word pattern every week, in no time you will be a pro.
If you want to super charge this process with one-to-one coaching, email me on [email protected]
Put downs by comedians to hecklers: