3 Questions for Reflection.
It’s the end of 2020.
Now for the first time in many of our lifetimes, we lived through a year that has been equally difficult for everybody; across regions, across generations. It is a year where none of our original ‘plans’ worked out. Most of us made new plans and the rest of us pushed those plans for a later date. This calls for a reassessment of how we fared.
Which is why one of the activities that we all should be doing is try and be a little ‘Agile’.
This involves borrowing and applying 3 key questions that are asked in an Agile work environment.
The 3 questions that we need to ask are:
1. What went well in 2020?
2. What did not go well in 2020?
3. What actions need to be taken to improve the coming days?
In agile methodology, this is done on a daily basis. For all of us, doing it at the end of a year, especially a tough one like 2020, is crucial. Noting down pointers and substantiating with reasons would make this process even more effective.
Focus on the actionable. What do you need to do?
Past is history after all. The idea is to learn from it, move forward and create an action plan. This does not have to be the typical ‘New year-New Me’ or even a ‘New Year Resolution’ per se.
Focus more on how 2020 put a halt, created a lag, or even helped you reprioritize your needs. Once you fill the void created by these, you are good to get back on track.
2020 is just a year, it didn't mean to be so bad.
Instead of blaming the year, how about we take the learnings from this ‘epic’ year and use it to become better, lot stronger and absolutely more focused as an individual.
STEP 3: (Optional)
Share your answers to those 3 questions with a loved one (or even with me)!