3 Questions?

3 Questions?

3 Questions?

With all the crazy things in the news today, as i was studying when I saw the words below, it dawned on me that there are 3 questions you need to ask yourself and your friends & relatives.? The 3 Questions to discuss are:

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  1. ?Who is Jesus?
  2. ?Why were you given life when you were born?
  3. What happens when you see the end of this life?

Perhaps you have already thought about these questions.? Perhaps you have already discussed them, and read books in your search for the right answers.? However, you might be surprised to hear what your friends & relatives say when you ask those 3 questions.

Today is the day to ask them.? We are in a war with Russia.? Our government is corrupt.? China just flew over our country spying on many military operations and we did nothing!? 120,000 young people have died from fentynal.? 15,000,000 people have been allowed to invade our country illegally. ? Major U.S. cities have had so many criminals released from jail, that murder rates are so high, they are worse than cities in real war zones.

Due to this change in what the United States was fifty (50) years ago,? you want to study and think about these words which I read again today:

“ Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?”?

“Do not be deceived”;?

  1. “ neither the sexually immoral,?
  2. nor idolaters,?
  3. nor adulterers,?
  4. nor homosexuals,
  5. ?nor thieves,?
  6. nor the greedy,?
  7. nor those habitually drunk,?
  8. nor verbal abusers,?
  9. nor swindlers, “

“will inherit the kingdom of God. “


That is very clear.? If you do not understand all of this, you should print this out, and ask a trusted friend to discuss it with you.

You might also want to read “The Book of John”.? It is the fourth book in the New Testament of The Bible,? It takes about 60 minutes to read if you just sit down and read it.? There are 21 chapters, and it takes only 2-3 minutes to read a chapter.? So, if you say, “I am so busy, I don’t have time”, if you haven’t read it already, you can find 2 or 3 minutes, somewhere in your day.

The Book of John is the #1 Best Selling book in the world. ? John wrote it when he was in his 80”s.? He walked with Jesus every day during His last three years on this planet.? John wanted people to know who Jesus was, since John was an eye-witness.? It is the best story every written.? You will be glad you read it.

May God Bless you.


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