3 Questions To Ask To Protect Your Facility From Unknowingly Being Used As An "Energy Product Guinea Pig" In The Energy Industry.
Heidi Fritz-Martinez ?? ??
30.5k followers???? Owner - Re-Motor America LLC????Author-The Eternal Guests of the Lord Baltimore Hotel ???? Fearless Lion Podcast -????$35M in Energy Incentives/Grants Achieved ???? Researcher
Article By: Heidi Fritz Martinez CEO Re-Motor America
#Confessions of A Motor Gal #Confessionsofamotorgal
So in the land of energy efficiency, insider tip, there is a lot of opportunity to make money. Now this can be a really good thing and there are tons of great, proven technologies out there but it can also mean a lot of hocus pocus and untested science!
I mean a ton of magic beans, snake oils and potions in the form of any contraption you can imagine. Many of these have not yet been in the market long enough to stand the test of time or have been proven solutions for actual energy savings.
In addition to this, some have an equipment life shorter than the R.O.I! So be careful of Jedi number manipulation tricks and more importantly unproven technologies.
Now if as a company you offer to be a pilot for a technology, knowing you are the first, that is wonderful!
This article is for those who have no idea they are a pilot testing ground and may suffer the consequences of unproven technologies in the field. These consequences take many shape shifting forms: wasted money, equipment downtime, lost time, headaches, therapy, tears and the like.
I can spill the tea without name dropping, but I am speaking from witnessed, actual experience.
Maybe this is your first audit or your 200th, whichever, a vendor comes to you with the claims of energy efficiency glory on paper.
Where if you click "the magic cure-all red button" agreeing to the project, you too can have the panacea of all energy efficiency time, and save the big bucks. (Enter mental image of sparkling confetti falling from the ceiling)
But Wait! Before you click "The Magic Energy Project Yes Button: Here are the three questions you should ask:
1) How long has the technology, and specifically the product you are selling, been in the field and used in my industry and facility type exactly?
2) How does the R.O.I. (Return on Investment) compare to the equipment life and how often is the requirement for maintenance or replacement?
3) Can you explain to me the math of how you obtained those savings numbers are they measured,verified or projected savings?
(Also, feel free to check their math even the best intention-ed make mistakes. Check facility hours estimates, kWh rates, quantity of equipment projected and this just helps it to be more accurate.
If you don't understand do not sign the dotted line until you do. Your Property in Hawaii paying 25 cents a kWh (or more) will yield a different savings number then your property paying 7 cents in Texas even with identical footprint. )
Now if they squirm in their seats by these questions? It is time run.
So let me explain the whys of those questions and then you can go back to typing your memo, heading to that meeting or pouring the 6th cup of coffee before 10 AM. (We don't judge.)
Question 1 Explained:
If this is a new technology, they need to be transparent about that and let you know. Does that mean that new technologies don't work? Heck no, just means that with anything there might still be a few bugs to work out. Knowing how long something has been on the market and specifically in your industry at least allows you to consider your options.
Please note: Be careful of the case study trap which may look like the generic match to your facility type. Case studies are really helpful ways of looking at data and comparing similar results but just know that not every company uses the same operating hours, pays the same kWh/kW Demand hours or uses the exact same equipment. The savings for your specific facility may be very different then the one in the study. They are guides, not prescriptions.
Question 2 Explained:
Savings sheets always look awesome and it is very rare to not find the giant number in highlighted bold to make you feel like a potential lotto winner. Knowing how long equipment is projected to last can help you calculate your own total project costs over 5 years and compare that to the R.O.I. Now if the math checks out, great click the button and get the prize. However, if the numbers do not add up then ask questions negotiate a better price, or just walk way.
Question 3 Explained:
Some technologies have been in the field so long the calculation for it is pretty standard across equipment usage types regardless of facility. For example VFDs have been tested so much they are largely what is called prescriptive rebates in the rebate programs meaning the power companies pretty much know it will save across the board because there have been tens of thousands installed in all different equipment/facility types. So like acetaminophen for a headache, they pretty much know about what it is going to save.
However, in new technologies or older technologies applied in new areas, there may not be the data to verify the projected savings numbers. Just always, always ask questions and if you do not understand feel free to ask until you do.
For non prescriptive VFD applications the best calculated savings would be True R.M.S. this is the actually measured use of your equipment where some meters only provide the average use before and after. You can pay for a company to do the measurements, rent meters or buy them for your facility staff. If you need meters, we have solutions for that too.
Many technologies may have their specific need for measurements and standards but make sure you know as best as possible where these numbers come from.
Long story short, if you volunteer to be the guinea pig then you are a pioneer and kudos. However, the 3 questions above can really help you identify whether this is the first time they have ever tried it or the 10,000th. You do not have to be the guinea pig if you don't want to be, so do your own research before agreeing to the project. Pay attention to your own facility equipment hours, kWh/kW rates, and run time hours so you don't fall into the trap of number and case study hypnosis.
At Re-Motor America we seek to empower American Commercial, Industrial and Municipal Facilities to choose intelligent Energy solutions and reduce energy costs.
Motor Namaste
We welcome you to participate in the discussion and welcome any feedback or experiences. Whether you or a vendor, direct user, equipment provider we hope to add you to our growing network of opportunity because nothing saves any energy until energy saving or generating equipment is installed. We are here to help.
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