3 psychological hooks that will get you more qualified leads from organic social media >>>

3 psychological hooks that will get you more qualified leads from organic social media >>>

#1. Market Hooks

For “make money” it’s status and security

For “weight loss” it’s self-esteem and control

For “dating/relationships” it’s love and acceptance

What's the opposite of each of those things (aka, what do people want to drive away from?)

“Make money” = unworthiness and instability

“Weight loss” = doubt and out of control

“Relationships” = loneliness

Get clear on what the market trigger is within your space, and you'll ride a river of abundance and ease when it comes to getting leads.

#2. Authority Hooks

People are more likely to see you as an authority when they hear you say the things that are going through their mind already

Which is done through riding the wave of the triggers of what’s going on in your industry…

And align your offering to what they deeply want and desire…

I call it “Brainwave Inception”

Your market feel as though you’re reading their mind because you quite literally are telling them the problems they have in a way that’s better than they can even articulate

P.S... these are just 2 of 17 psychological hooks, I'm running a live session next week breaking down all of them. Drop "17" below and I'll DM you an invite

For the third one...

3. Intent hook

A strong? & profitable content strategy requires 3 kinds of posts...

??to reach more people

?? to get leads

??to get clients

Then, your social media turns into a lead gen and client acquisition?ecosystem (Aka a Social Media Profit Engine)

If you don't make one direct post each week that gets people who want to work with you to raise their hand, you're leaving a lot of money on the table.

Call out the people who you serve and how your offer can help them, and your leads will be full of prospects who have intent.

So, get using these 3 psychological?hooks and for all 17, come to the live session I'm running next week


Linkedin Personal Brand Specialist | Te ayudo a VENDER más Posicionando tu MARCA PERSONAL e implementando la estrategia que me GENERA CITAS 24/7 con LINKEDIN, META e I.A.

3 个月



