3 P's of Math
Why is math so difficult? With the emphasis that educators and administrators have on ensuring that proficiency occurs in this area; understanding the practical nature of math, its patterns, and the necessity to practice can ensure success.
Math is PRACTICAL. Math is used daily in ordinary activities. How much money is left in our accounts? How many minutes we have until we need to leave? What is the appropriate measurement of flour to add to the pancake batter?
Math also is about PATTERNS. Different number sequences, formulas, problem-solving methods, etc. What is the pattern?
Just like any other skill, math takes PRACTICE. Students ask whether there is homework in math class. Yes, there is homework. Math should be practiced frequently. If you want to improve pitching - you pitch, dancing - you dance, cooking - you cook, writing - you write, etc.
As the understanding and application of the 3 P's of Math - PRACTICAL, PATTERNS, and PRACTICE occur math will become easier.