3 Ps To Making a Change

3 Ps To Making a Change

If you or one of your employees is looking to make a change it is likely they are considering one of the 3 Ps – Pay, Position and Place.?These are three key reasons for making a change and while the first two are obvious, there is a lot we can discuss about the elusive third – PLACE.


Pay can be a key motivator in moving on – but I would argue it is the least important one.?When we talk career strategy – we have to think long-term.?And while currently pay can be a competitive way to secure a candidate in the short-term, in terms of long-term career goals, it may not be the biggest contributor to getting you there.

Still, everyone likes to be paid fairly and even competitively for their time – and it can be the deciding factor if two positions hold similar appeal.?

It’s a compelling argument for being generous about pay – you show a person you value them and you understand that locking in the right candidate is a good investment in your company’s future.?This applies equally well to new contracts as well as existing ones with team members whom you appreciate.


Position is another key motivator – and this one is much more strategic.?If you have a definite plan for your career pathway, seeking that next position and ensuring you keep moving towards your goals is a great way to stay on track as well as to learn new skills.?

There is something in this for companies too – and in ensuring that you create clear pathways for your best employees and future leaders, and check in on their goals regularly.?Foster that sense of investment and make sure your employees can clearly envision their future at your company.


Place is something more ephemeral – and it can mean a lot of things.

Place can be company name and reputation – taking a solid position at a good company is sometimes also good a career move and many of us have seen the benefits of what we call a move “sideways” for the perception of greater opportunity, more engaging projects and more chance of career acceleration.?

But place can also refer to ethos and culture.?We see candidates every day make decisions based upon their reading of the environment in which they will be working.?It seems like a gut response in many ways – but actually it’s a very sophisticated judgement based on a variety of things you might be exposed to at interview – the people you work with, how the company treats employees, whether they have flexible working conditions… COVID has changed how we view our work and what we are looking for.?Many employees and many companies are having to reflect on this.

Some companies just communicate the meaning behind their work really well – and inspire their employees to feel a part of something greater.

The younger generation in particular is quite savvy about this and they have some pretty strong expectations about what a good workplace means – everything from flexibility to a commitment to mental health and a focus on celebrating and socialising.

There are clear messages here for workplaces – especially in this competitive market.?How do you make SURE your prospective employees choose you??

Here are some questions you could be asking to review how competitive your workplace is in terms of PLACE:

·??????How strongly do you communicate your WHY??How do you ensure your employees are invested in the success and the culture of the company?

·??????How do you look after your employees – in terms of wellbeing and career pathway?

·??????How do you create a positive ethos??What makes people enjoying working there?

Candidates you contribute to this too – so if you want to work in the best workplaces – consider how you contribute to their ethos and a sense of place as well.


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