Mateja Tea Dereani
Mentor at personalized Body Reset program; Author; Researcher, Health coach.
We often don't notice the amount of stress our bodies have accumulated until we feel bad or sick. If you work too much with too little or no rest, you can end up with a chronic upset stomach.
Here's how to deal with it in a natural way:
1- CHANGE NEGATIVE EATING HABITS - avoid any kind of junk food, extremes of sugar, and coffee.
2- FOOD COMBINING RULES - Eat fruits alone do not mix with any other food (except with leafy vegetables in smoothies). Do not eat proteins (meat, soy, milk products) together with starches (rice, pasta, potatoes). And avoid desserts after a heavy meal (weakens the digestion).
3- GOT ONLY 5-10 MIN TO EAT? Choose your food wisely. It's better to eat some fruits or a fist of nuts than to eat a whole meal if you're on the run. To be properly processed by your body, food needs to be chewed well.
What are your current eating habits? Let me know in the comments.