3 Private Practice Owners Who Are Making It Happen… (See What They’re Doing)
Chad Madden
Founder and CMO at Madden & Gilbert PT. Head of Education for Breakthrough PT Marketing.
The Future Of PT Private Practice Seems Dismal, But Wait Until You See What These Owners Are Doing… See What They’ve Done To Get It Right…
This may blow your mind.
Last week, I asked Maria, one of our team members, to scroll through the BPTM Facebook Group and compile recent wins and stories that Private Practice Owners have been sharing…
When I saw it I knew I had to share it with you.
Rather than preach to you about POPTS, Marketing Mistakes, or Direct Access Marketing… I decided to do something different this week…
Running a private practice is sometimes scary, lonely, and often overwhelming (at least for me)…
I talk to lots of owners and they tell me they’ve felt that way too.
But what they found is that when they see stories about practice owners just like them who’ve accomplished great things… It shows them what’s possible. It keeps them moving. It helps them to take action.
So today I’m going to share two things with you…
First, a few of these inspiring posts in hopes that they’ll make you feel good and motivate you in your practice.
Second, I’ll share the INSANE goal the BPTM team committed to as a result of seeing these stories so you can help us get there.
Three Wins (Of All Sizes) From BPTM Members
1. Stacey (Professional Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
2. Joe (Core Rehabilitation)
3. Jim (Rushmore Physical Therapy)
Pretty amazing right?
But there’s something even more amazing…
That document Maria assembled I was talking about… It has 51 pages of these… AND she’s not done yet.
Click here to see the document (but come back when you’re finished… need your help with something)
Many people ask and wonder why I’m doing this…
Sharing all these marketing ideas instead of spending time building a bigger and bigger private practice for myself.
Here’s the answer… IMPACT.
If I just focused on growing my own practice, would it be bigger? Definitely.
But would I impact as many lives as if I shared our marketing strategies with THOUSANDS of practice owners who can also build great businesses and give patients amazing care?
When I look at it that way, it’s easy to see that our teams impact on PT and on patients throughout the world will be bigger when focused on helping you and people like you.
With that in mind I want to share the INSANE goal the BPTM team committed to…
Carl, Josh and I spent some time thinking about the mission of BPTM– What we hope to accomplish –It took us almost a year…
But we’ve finally come up with something we all stand behind and we believe you (as a private practice owner) will stand behind too.
We want to help 100 PT private practice owners DOUBLE by the end of 2017.
Now just to be exactly clear. Doubling a practice means doubling patient visits.
What do you think of this goal?
Is it something you can get behind?
Do you want to be one of those hundred?
If you’re reading this right now, and you’re feeling motivated… Scroll down to the bottom of the page and leave us a comment answering these questions.
Also… Take a moment to congratulate Stacey, Joe, and Jim. They’ve worked hard.
And if you’re feeling even more motivated, you’d like to double your practice, and you want to be part of this movement… Then you might be perfect for Killer Marketing.
Killer Marketing is the same course Stacey, Joe, and Jim took to implement marketing strategies that helped them succeed. It’s now by application only (due to high demands)…
There are about a dozen spots left for the April class (next one won’t start until June).
If you’re interested click here and fill out the application to join us.
In light of this goal we’ll be creating a BPTM Double Your Practice Wall Of Fame. It will feature owners who’ve made the achievement (we’ve got several who already have) and those who are halfway there (50% growth).
We’ll be sharing this for two reasons. First, to help motivate you. And second, to have you help hold us accountable.
Really hope you like this