3 Powerful Ways to Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt
Tiffany Crawford
Strategic Organizational Development & Growth | Bridging Tech & Human Potential | Healthtech | Gen AI | SAAS | ESG & DEI | Sustainability | Mental Health Advocate
This Newsletter is designed for leaders and high-impact people as a dose of bi-weekly inspiration and gentle reminders of the greatness within you.?
My mission with this newsletter is to inspire, inform, and entertain our readers to continue to birth their life purpose, sometimes traveling a road less traveled and to lead with authenticity, integrity, and love.?
We live in a world where humanity is at the forefront of our minds in many ways. Now more than ever it is important to treat each other well, be kind, and fulfill our soul’s mission.?
The world needs great leaders, thinkers, and creators like you to say yes to their inner vision as we collectively birth the future of this planet.?
Some of you are a full-on YES to accepting your calling, some of you may still be awakening or clarifying what your purpose is, and many of you are probably somewhere in between - maybe even vacillating between various ends of the spectrum day to day, moment to moment.?
Walking your Golden Path can feel that way at times - it requires deep self-awareness, inner trust, and courage. It is not for the faint at heart.?
One of the very common issues that arise as we walk our Golden Path is Imposter Syndrome and self-doubt. Whether we like to admit it or not, we all have these moments, especially as we birth new levels of ourselves.?
In this week’s issue, I will share
3 ways to reframe these moments and allow them to serve your next level.?
First, let’s look at how Imposter Syndrome and self-doubt show up and can even be laying underneath the service. It may be tempting to leave them right where there are, buried, but I promise you when you allow them to surface where they can be faced, it serves you in great ways!
I like to think of Imposter Syndrome and self-doubt as a collection of wrong ideas - almost like mini-viruses. I say viruses because they have a way of being picked up (from our environment, group consciousness, prejudices, unaddressed childhood trauma/issues, lies we've told to ourselves) and taking on their own form, multiplying and spreading.?
Join me -?think of this web of ideas, lies, limiting beliefs, prejudices as something outside of you. Maybe for a moment, you imagine it floating in the upper left corner of the room.?
As you look at it, you realize you don’t have to identify with it. You may even be able to easily see how untrue it actually is.?
Now that we have this web, almost like a neural network let’s look at ways to reclaim our power from it:
1. The Subconscious as the Body
Neuroscientist and author, Candace Pert said, “Emotions are the nexus between matter and mind, going back and forth between the two and influencing both.”?
This web of ideas and beliefs has emotions attached to them. Some you may be highly present to, some may surprise you - especially if you are not in the habit of being with your inner world of emotions.?
It is 'popular' to only focus on the positive emotions - however, what you resist persists. Focusing on the positive in isolation of exploring the things that don’t feel so good is actually the very thing that allows the pervasiveness of this web.?
The truth in the matter is that wallowing in your negative emotions does not serve you - grieving, acknowledging, processing, and honoring them does.?
You will find as you begin to honor your seemingly negative emotions - they have so much energy and power to return to you, as you allow yourself to be with them.?
You will become so grateful for those moments that they won’t scare you anymore. Seek support and guidance where necessary, if you don’t feel comfortable going there by yourself.?
2.?Clouded Intuition/Warped Messages
Another gift of this web is what I liked to call clouded intuition, if that feels weird to you simply think of it as warped messages.?
This is a bit of an advanced concept because the idea of intuition is sacred and thinking of self-doubt in proximity to it can feel weird.?
That’s the trickery of it all.
Often times the most pervasive limiting ideas and thoughts are messages of guidance and insight convoluted with fear. This is especially true when fear is on high - and fight or flight mode is in effect.?
It can be hard to discern the true messages.?
A feeling of self-doubt through the lens of love could simply be a message of where a relationship, strength, or mindset needs to be cultivated and fortified as you walk your path.?
Slowing down and getting still enough to shift into a more relaxed state, out of fear, and into love can provide all of the clarity you need.?
It may be as simple as turning the idea on its head and having it work for you, instead of against you.?
3. Embracing Becoming?
Last but not least, through a spiritual lens - all problems and hardships have a lesson to bring. I don’t mean this in a jump to the silver lining, spiritual bypass way.?
I mean this, from the perspective of walking your Golden Path.
When birthing deeper levels of who you already are, looking within and asking what part of the Self is seeking to emerge in facing this cloud of self-doubt can be a powerful self-reflection helping to alchemize difficulty.
As we walk our Golden Path, there is a becoming that unfolds. Oftentimes, the issues we face in life are like the dumbells of wisdom and inner fortitude helping to unleash deeper levels of our own greatness.?
Having said this, I want to clarify an area that can become murky in the spiritual walk as we own deeper levels of self-responsibility.?
I am not saying that prejudices, *isms, and people wanting to work against you don’t exist.?
What I?Am?saying is discerning where you are allowing yourself to be complicit in the prejudices, even in very subtle ways is where you can begin to reclaim your power.
This requires digging deep and facing shadows that may surprise you.?
The ‘mind’ in its various form, can be quite tricky at times. Clarity and self-knowledge is the greatest weapon you have against the ills of the human experience.?
Overall as you walk your Golden Path, it is imperative to deepen your connection to your Higher and Inner Guidance. Only you can manifest your inner vision, that seed was planted in you to bring to fruition.?
And the planet needs YOU now more than ever. Trust yourself to walk your Golden Path.?
Tiffany Crawford is an org strategist and leadership coach with over 15 years of experience. She has supported hundreds of women in reclaiming and owning their inner power. She has been coaching powerful leaders for 12 years, has spoken at universities, conferences, non-Profits, and Fortune 500s alike on leadership, mindfulness, and culture, and has been a contributor to Huffington Post on these topics.?Tiffany is available for coaching, speaking, and leading workshops on Inclusive Leadership, Leading with Love, and Cultivating Intuition.
Freeing Teams For Breakthrough Enjoyment and Achievement
12 个月I thought the first section with the Pert quote was especially helpful. And we do indeed need you at your best--all of us!