3 Powerful Things That Can Improve Your Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being
Certified Flourishing Coaching
Changing the world by empowering people, families, leaders, businesses and non-profits to flourish.
Life is a rollercoaster ride filled with many ups and downs, peaks and valleys, high and lows. As a result, you have to manage these proverbial pendulum swings. The problem is that these cycles can end up taking a toll on your soul, spirit, and psyche over time. So this begs the question: What can you do to protect your mental health and emotional well-being from the stressful ebb and flow of life?
Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do that—if practiced every day—can have a tremendous impact on your quality of life, regardless of what’s taking place in your external world. If that sounds interesting to you, then keep reading to learn 3 powerful things that can help improve your mental health and emotional well-being.
1. Give
Few people realize the power of giving (without any expectation of what may or may not come back in return). You communicate your beliefs into the world via how you interact with others. And when you give, you are communicating that life is abundant—that you are abundant. And what you believe (what you act out in your daily life) will come back to you tenfold. It’s called the Law of Cause and Effect. The Cause and Effect principle connects back to the ancient Bible phrase, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
In short, treat people the way you’d like to be treated. We all know that’s the Golden Rule. And the best way to do that? Give.?
2. God
Now, this article is not an attempt to persuade or dissuade anyone toward a religious bent. It’s just citing ways to improve your mental health and emotional well-being. However, scientific research has shown that religious involvement is beneficial for your health. Some of these benefits include the following:
It stands to reason that living a life of worship and welcoming God into your reality can be incredibly advantageous in helping you strengthen your mental and emotional well-being. However, this can be a process. It may seem a little “odd” for some to bring God into their lives at first. That’s okay.?
Be patient with the process but persistent with your efforts. And when you begin to see God’s work start manifesting in your life, you’ll wonder how or why you ever went so long without Him.?
3. Gratitude
A grateful heart is an abundant heart. You can never truly be lacking when you take stock of and appreciate all that you already have. It’s all too easy to look at someone else and envy their “good fortune.” But the truth is you have no idea what that person is going through. On the outside, you see the nice car, fancy house, and fat salary. But on the inside, their marriage could be crumbling, their child could be terminally ill, or they could be facing bankruptcy.?
The point is… Don’t be so quick to assume that people are “better off” by outside appearances. How do you combat this? Simple: Gratitude. Give thanks for all that you already have while you work toward all that you want. You may argue that you don’t have many blessings in your life. I strongly disagree.?
If you have any of the blessings below, you should thank God every day for your luck and good fortune. Do you have…
These are the simple blessings that you are (probably) taking for granted. But if they were taken away from you, can you imagine how much more difficult life would become? So if you have any of these blessings in your life, consider yourself born under a lucky stay. Why? Because there are countless people in the world who don’t have these advantages.?
Show your gratitude every day by being content with what you already have while you strive for all that you want. And watch how your mental and emotional well-being will begin improving as a direct result.?
Next Step: Start Your Flourishing Journey Today
You can live a life free of mental and emotional problems. However, it begins with adhering to certain principles and ideas that are aligned with healthy living. And once you cover those bases (by following the steps listed in this article), you’ll begin enjoying a better quality of life. And the best part? We at Certified Flourishing Coach can help.?
We are an expert team of coaches and facilitators that specializes in the art of flourishing. Moreover, our science-based framework provides the simple strategies you need to unveil the best of yourself in business, relationships, and life. So contact us today if you’re ready to flourish!?
About the Author:
Alex Brown is a Self-Improvement Writer and Speaker. His work helps people cultivate decisiveness, channel discipline, and control their direction in life. Alex has written for some of the world’s most prominent and respected personal development sites and has given many speeches to schools, charity events, businesses, and organizations, educating audiences on the power of self-improvement.